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Solved Precis Exercise “Dangers of Fame” 155 Words Precis for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Exam.

And I do not want fame. Of what use is it? It may tickle the vanity for a time, but it becomes an intolerable nuisance. The film-star is probably the most famous kind of person now living; and the film-star like a royal personage- has no private life to speak of. There is no privacy for the famous. Every action of theirs is seen and judged together with some actions which have been only rumored, invented by some gossip as a topic of sterile conversation. As one famous -man once said to me, “Much worse than the worst is known of me”. The benefits to be derived from obscurity are incalculable. Only the very young believe that it is pleasant to be stared at. I do not think any distress can exceed that of being pointed out in the street or in a restaurant or theater. The famous person shares such distinction with the infamous.

Words = 155


Fame is of no use. A famous man has no private life. Every action of his is noticed and judged by people around him. They mingle a fair amount of gossip with it and spread rumors about him which are sometimes very embarrassing. People do not distinguish between the famous and the infamous.

Words in the Original passage= 155

Words in the precis = 53

Title: Why Not to be Famous?

Or Dangers of Fame.


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