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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute with outline, 5 Minute Test 5

5The Govt. of India, as you are well aware, has for long postulated that any effective system of pest control must necessarily be an integrated system which takes into account all these aspects and must be carried to the fields. Through an efficient and forceful extensions agency. This seminar is therefore, particularly timely and welcome since it concerns itself with two of the most important crops sown in our country, rice and jowar. I hope it will be followed by several other such seminars and workshops in which scientists, manufactures, ecologists and the growers would participate with the intention of evolving a multi disciplinary approach for the protection of our major crops.           

Our rice and jowar crops did exceedingly well last year and it is our expectation the harvest this year would be no less bountiful. Mercifully, during these two years there has been no serious epidemic afflicting either of these crops and whatever little out breaks of pest or cdisease took place, they were effectively controlled by the states. Even though our losses due to pests and diseases of rice and jowar during these cropping seasons have been insignificant it is essential for us to give some serious thought to pest control measures.

I understand that in the case of rice alone there are no less than 70 different species of insects which can cause damage and the problem has become all the more acute with the rapid spread of high yielding varieties. By and large, it can be said that preventive measures are far more lasting and economical than control measure, Orin other words, the detection of pests or disease at the earliest stage possible is of utmost importance. For this, a very sound system of surveillance is necessary at the field level. The state govt. and the centre do have speci9fic strengthened. However, as in the case of all expected to play a single handed role. It would give me great satisfaction to see the pesticides. Association of India also coming forward in a big way to strengthen the surveillance system prevailing in the country. This might of course if I may be frank, run contrary to certain commercial interests, but in the ultimate analysis the task of a manufacture it but because it is genuinely needed. If he does not accept this basic premise commercial considerations alone, leave alone social or national considerations, will drive him out of the market.


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