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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ University Grant Commission ” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 19




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19Mr. Vice-Chairman, first of all, I must place on record my grateful thanks to the University Grants Commission for/ the work that they have done for the advancement of higher education.  They have done good work and in full/ co-operation with the Education Ministry. This ,I think ,must encourage State Government to establish university  grants commissions or committees in /their RESPECTIVE States.  What  the  country  needs  most  is the COORDINATED efforts of the AUTONOMOUS university  grants  commissions working  in/HARMONY with the state Governments and university  authorities . Coordinated  efforts are needed TO BRING ABOUT certain UNIFORMITY in the standards (100) of university  education . without that, our  educational advancement  is  bound to suffer from various  TENSIONS and  difficulties , I do agree / with my friend that  the annual Report  under  discussion is rather dull  report .At least , it  is  not as/bringht as the two previous  Reports were .In the previous two Reports, the University  Grants Commission invited  the attention of /the  nation  to certain  ACADEMIC problems, to certain educational  needs. Unfortunately . in  this  Report  the University   Grants  Commission  CONFINES its / remarks mostly  to what has been  achieved in the  field  of   University  education  under the guidance and with the assistance (200) of the University Grants  Commission .

          However , Sir it is not possible  for me to agree with Mr. Santhanam  that the/ University  Grants Commission should not extend help to universities for the PRESERVATION of MANUSCRIPTS.  Manuscripts are of great importance, so/ far as university libraries are concerned.  It is the duty of universities to preserve those manuscripts, and it is the /duty of the University Grants Commission to extend to universities the necessary financial assistance for maintaining and Preserving the manuscripts/ in good order.

          Also, it is not possible for me, Sir, to agree with my friend that today universities are (300) enjoying too much of autonomy.  I agree with the University Grants Commission which two years ago remarked that freedom is/ vital for education and democracy, and I personally feel, Sir, that on one plea or the other university autonomy and/ academic freedom are being restricted rather than being extended as they must be.  I do not think, Sir, that a/ social purpose or a social purpose or a social value can be IMPARTED in the teaching by a teacher through the imposition of restrictions/ on this freedom of thinking. I feel that teachers need academic freedom for discharging their duties in an efficient way. (400)


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  1. Pragati Neve says:

    Can you please provide pdf in download format of this speed passages

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