Home » E-Books » NCERT » Class 11 » Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ UN Deligation ” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 22

Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ UN Deligation ” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 22


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22Mr. Vice-Chairman, I was speaking about the need for developing a strong U.N. delegation. I wish that the/ hon. Prime Minister would give his attention to this aspect of the matter, particularly in view of the fact that/ in the next DECADE or two, politics all over the world would take on a COMPLEX character and it is / necessary that men are trained from now on for taking part in international affairs.  In the U.K. and the / United States, such delegations are built with men who have wide knowledge of international affairs and there should be other (100) qualification for a man to be included in such a delegation. In this connection, I should also like to mention/ that it is time for Government to develop sound CONVENTIONS regarding the conduct of foreign affairs.  In the United States/ they have accepted the principle of BIPARTISAN consultation on important affairs of policy, For example, when President Kennedy stood for/ election, President Eisenhower, even during the period of the conduct of the CAMPAIGN of President Kennedy, kept him informed about/ major developments in foreign affairs.  We have seen our Government sending troops out of this country for any ASSIGNMENTS of a unusual/ character like the Congo assignment, Members of the Opposition should be informally consulted.  There will be no question of any/ leakage of information whatever, if leaders in the Opposition should be informally consulted on important consultation of the kind that I mention, where the Leader of the Opposition and leaders of other Parties (300) are called are told by the Prime Minister about unusual developments, would strengthen the convention that the foreign policy of/ the country has the support not only of the Congress Party but also of the entire country.

          I was speaking/ about our external publicity and it is a subject on which I think I can speak with some confidence as/ I have been an old – time newspaperman in this country.  The material which is sent out to foreign countries/ is extremely SCRAPPY, and useless.  There is included in these messages some statement of what this Minister was saying somewhere.


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