Home » E-Books » NCERT » Class 11 » Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ Problems after heavy rainfall ” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 17

Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ Problems after heavy rainfall ” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 17


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17Mr. Chairman, Sir, the people of Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar and in some parts of your State we badly affected/ by the devastation caused by the heavy rainfall.  Due to damaged reads, the total transport system has been thrown out/ of gear.  At that point of time it was very difficult to carry the relief materials to the affected people/ in different part of the country.  Some unscrupulous businessmen took advantage of this situation and indulged in black-marketing/ and hoarding as a result of which the prices of the essential commodities got hiked.  Not only that, it is (100) a matter of regret that at that point of time only the prices o diesel were hiked which added to/ further increase of prices of the essential commodities.  The people were suffering and they were also subjected to irreparable loss/ and injury.  The entire telecommunication and power system had totally collapsed during the time of this severe disaster.  Paddy/ seedlings and seedlings of other crops were damaged and destroyed.  Cattles, like bullocks, cows and buffaloes for lack of Cattles it has become very difficult on the part of (200) the cultivators to start their cultivation.

          Mr. Chairman, Sir, this unprecedented devastation took place in our country particularly in the/ States of Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar and parts of Andhra Pradesh which resulted in the sufferings of the people.  The/ concerned State Governments urged upon the Central Government, they are virtually pleading, for financial assistance under the Natural Calamities/ Relief Fund.  I would like to urge upon the Government of India not to politicize this issues and take a /step-motherly attitude while providing financial assistance to the State Governments.  I would like to urge upon the Government to (300) provide the funds irrespective whichever State Government is in power.

          Sir, I would like to urge upon the Prime/ Minster and other Ministers of the Central Government to come forward and save our countrymen from their plight and render/ all possible financial assistance and provide whatever amount has been asked for the by the State Governments from the Natural Calamities/ Fund.  In the State of West Bengal, the Government had held an all-Party meeting in the Writers’ Building and/ a unanimous resolution was passed in which an amount of Rs. 721 crore has been sought from the Central Government (400) for providing relief to the affected people.  So far as I know, till.


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