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Short Story ” Good out of Evil” Complete Story for Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Good out of Evil

Once a merchant went to a fair.  He sold his wares and earned a lot. In the evening he rode back home. The sky was overcast with clouds. Night was falling and his village was far away.

On the way, there was  a forest. He had not gone far when it began to rain heavily. He began to curse god for sending rain.

In the meantime, a robber rushed out of the bushes. He had  a gun in his hands   he said, “your life or your money.” The merchant took courage and spurred his horse. The robber tried to fire at him. But the gun did not go off because the gun powder had gone wet due to rain. The rain proved a blessing for him. He thanked god for saving his life.

Moral: Do not question the way of god.


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