Science Project on “Motion and Gravity”, Project Experiment Topics on Flight, Motion & Friction for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
Motion and Gravity
Materials Required:
- An empty thread spool
- Some string
- Four small metal nuts
- Cotton
- Adhesive tape
- Scissors
If you throw a ball up, it is pulled back under the influence of the force of gravity. However, this also proves that your throwing motion overcomes gravity for a short while.
It is possible then for motion to overcome gravity. To prove this, attach three of the nuts that you have, to a piece of string. Now through an empty thread spool, pass the other end of the string and tie the other nut to it. It would be a good idea to add some cotton to the nuts and secure them with tape of some kind, for security.
Hold the spool in such a manner that the three nuts are hanging at the bottom. Gravity will obviously pull the three nuts down towards the earth. Pull the string upwards to quite a distance, through the spool.
Now start swirling the spool in circular motion, so as to swing the pieces of nuts. When you start doing this in a faster pace, you will see that the top end of the string will keep coming out of the spool and the three nuts at the bottom will start getting pulled out. Be careful and make sure that you don’t get hit by the swinging nut at the top. This pulling of the upper nut away from the spool is due to the effect of the centrifugal force and it is this force also that helps you overcome the force of gravity.