Home » Science Projects » Science Project on “Effects of Microwaves”, Project Experiment Topics on Environmental Science for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Science Project on “Effects of Microwaves”, Project Experiment Topics on Environmental Science for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Effects of Microwaves

Materials Required:

  1. An adult
  2. A microwave
  3. Twelve bean seeds
  4. Potting soil
  5. An egg carton
  6. Marker
  7. Some water
  8. Paper and pencil

The electromagnetic rays from microwaves radiate strong force, which can be harmful to people. This is why, they are designed in a special manner, with switches on the oven doors. The switch turns the power off, when someone opens the door. This keeps the user safe from the harmful waves inside and the powerful radio electricity heats the food.

We carry out an activity to test if the radioactive waves, boxed in the oven, can hurt the bean seeds. Fill an egg carton made of plastic with some potting oil. Make sure it is plastic to ensure water won’t seep through. Mark the pockets 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 consecutively. Put a bean in each of the pockets with 0. The zero indicates that the beans spent no time in the oven. Under adult supervision, put two beans in the oven and turn it on low power for 5 minutes. Then plant the beans in the pocket marked 5 on the carton.

You can ask an adult to put the next two beans in the oven and set it for 10 minutes. Plant these two seeds in the pocket marked 10 on the carton again.

Simultaneously, repeat the procedure for 15, 20 and 25. Make sure to plant them in the right pocket.

We use two seeds each to establish a more definite result, since not everyone of them will develop. By planting more than one seed at a time, the success rate of the experiment is higher.

Pour some water into the carton, wetting the beans altogether, but make sure they are not floating. Place the lid on the carton, to keep the seeds moist.

Keep into account, that the seeds are looked after everyday and water them, if they appear dry. Also make a note of the daily progress. Assuming the seeds that were in the oven the longest will not germinate, conclude a hypothesis. Check the results after two weeks and see if your hypothesis was correct.

You can carry this exercise out with other fast-sprouting seeds, such as peas, radish or bulb plants.


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