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Pte Essay on “Due to the influence of worldwide media such as television and computers, the gap between cultures is narrowing”

Due to the influence of worldwide media such as television and computers, the gap between cultures is narrowing. The introduction of global culture is of great benefit to the world. Do you agree or disagree?

The influence of media on society has grown to an unbelievable proportion in the last two to three decades. One of the greatest effects of this phenomenon is the integration of world cultures.

When computers and television started to take place in the list of essential commodities of laymen, information about the whole world along with visuals reached the living room of everyone. Hence, it became possible for people to know about other cultures and lifestyles. Over time, feeling of cultural and geographical differences has started to melt. It is rightly said that ‘constant dropping wears away even a stone’.

Some people believe that the introduction of a global culture is of great benefit to the world. The world uniform culture will certainly help better understanding among peoples. It also means more cooperation and unity. Having a common culture helps easy communication. Also, movement of people from one place to another place becomes less problematic. However, there is a counter argument that assimilation of cultures will make life monotonous and uneventful. Integration leads to disappearance of different ways of living, believes, food habits, festivals and ceremonies.

In brief, it seems that amalgamation of cultures can accelerate the development of societies by promoting better communication and understanding.


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