Home » Paragraph Writing » Paragraph on “Transportation” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Paragraph on “Transportation” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12


In the earlier days man was his own beast of burden, i.e. if you wanted something transported, you had to carry it. As man learned how to tame animals like donkeys, buffaloes, horses etc he shifted his weight on to their backs. Thus the first forms of transportation came into being. These crude means sufficed for many years but then with the need to travel frequently, also developed the need to carry more goods. To fulfil this need crude sledges were designed so that the animals could drag larger quantities of goods behind them. The going was still tough because dragging something along rough terrain was difficult. It was at this stage that man invented the wheel, probably the most important invention with regard to transportation. Things became easier and horse drawn carts or bullock carts began to be used for carrying goods. Over the centuries after, this transportation got revolutionised with the development of engines and automobiles.


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