Paragraph on “The Egyptian Civilisation” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
The Egyptian Civilisation
Over 5000 years ago the fertile valley of the river Nile, in Egypt, was the home of a thriving civilisation which lasted for about 3000 years. The people were ruled by kings who were called the *Pharaohs’. Most of the people were farmers who worked for rich land owners or the king. Besides farming, the Egyptians used boats made from papyrus reeds to fish in the Nile river with the help of nets and hooks. Egypt was divided into two kingdoms called the upper and lower kingdoms. The Egyptians worshipped a large number of gods and they believed in life after death. This was the reason why their Pharaohs were embalmed after death and placed in the burial chambers inside the pyramids with all the things that they might need in the next world. Some of the discoveries and contributions of this civilisation include the discovery of paper, the art of picture writing called Hieroglyphics, the science of embalming etc. The civilisation fell when the Romans conquered it in 30 B.C.