Paragraph on “Our Satellite the Moon” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
Our Satellite the Moon
It was believed earlier that the Moon was a piece of the Earth which broke away millions of years ago. This theory went through a change as new facts about the Moon were revealed with the passage of time. Today it is believed that the Moon was formed from the same cloud of dust from which the Earth was formed. The Moon also went through the same phases of transformation as the Earth, this is evident from the fact that there are large number of craters upon the Moon which prove volcanic activity and like the Earth, the lava on the Moon became solid to form large dry sea beds. Probably the nature of the volcanic activity did not facilitate the formation of an atmosphere thus keeping the Moon devoid of water and any life forms. The lack of an atmosphere also resulted in extreme surface temperatures with the day temperatures soaring upto 115° centigrade and the night temperatures dropping to below —160° centigrade further creating an environment where life forms could not thrive.