Sample Paper of Mathematics 2014 for class 11, CBSE. Paper No.2

Sample Paper – 2014 Class – XI Subject – Mathematics Maximum Time– 3 Hrs                                                                                 Maximum Marks – 100   General instructions – All questions are compulsory. The question paper consists of 29 questions divided in to three sections A, B and C. Section A comprises of 10 questions of 1 mark each, Section B comprises of 12 questions of 4 marks each and Section C comprises of 7 questions of...
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Sample Paper of Mathematics 2014 for class 11, CBSE. Paper No.1

Sample Paper – 2014 Class – XI Subject – Mathematics Time: 3Hrs.                                                                                                                  Max. Marks: 100 General Instructions: (The question paper has two printed pages divided in 29 questions as under) All the questions are compulsory. The question paper has been divided in 3 sections A, B and C. Section A contains 10 questions of 1 mark each. Section B contains 12 questions of 4 marks...
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Sample Paper of Information Practice 2014 for class 11, CBSE. Paper No.3

Sample Paper – 2014 Class – XI Subject – Informatics Practices Q1.Write  key feature of MySql (Any Four)                                                                                          2 Q2.Write Classification of Sql Statements                                                                                              2 Q3. Write any four important data type with example                                                                    2 Q4. Write uses of comment in MySql with an example                                                                   2 Q5Describe Following Comamnd with proper example                                                                   4 Desc Table  Distinct Where clause Create Table Q6.What is Relation Operator .Describe with example                                                                    2 Q7. What...
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Sample Paper of Information Practice 2014 for class 11, CBSE. Paper No.2

 Sample paper – 2014 Class – XI Subject – Informatics Practices         Max. Marks : 70                                                                                   Time            : 3 Hrs.     Note :  Answer all the questions. SECTION – A ( 20 Marks ) Q.1 Answer the following questions :                                                                                         ( 5 x 2 = 10 ) (a) What are the Strengths and Weakness of a Computer. (b) What are Input Devices ? Explain any three. (c) Explain...
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Sample Paper of Information Practice 2014 for class 11, CBSE. Paper No.2

Sample Paper – 2014 Class – XI Subject – INFORMATION PRACTICES Time Allowed: 3 hours                                                                                          Maximum Marks: 70   Note: This question paper is divided into 3 sections. Section A consists of 30 marks. Section B and Section C are of 20 marks each. Answer the questions after carefully reading the text. Give example wherever required.  SECTION – A         1. Answer the following questions:   (a) What are the...
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