Home » 10th Class » NSQF Practical Guidelines 2018 of “Introductory Agriculture 408” for Class 10

NSQF Practical Guidelines 2018 of “Introductory Agriculture 408” for Class 10



Practical Guidelines of Introductory Agriculture (408)




  1. Minimum Pass Marks

The Minimum number of marks required to pass in each subject is (33) percent in the written papers and practical examination.

  1. Marks for record, Viva Project etc., in respect of Secondary School Examination:

Marks allotted for laboratory Record, Viva Voce etc., should separately state in the answer book (if answer-Books are used) and added to the marks given for other items.

The projects and the practical records, duly punched should be returned to the students concerned immediately after evaluation.

  1. Assessment of performance.

The two examiners, both internal assigned for the conduct and assessment of Practical Examinations each in Secondary School Curriculum (NSQF).

Question for the viva examinations should be conducted by both the examiners. Question to be more of General nature, project work or on the curriculum. Investigatory Project especially those that show considerable amount of effort and originality, on the part of the student, should get suitable high marks, while project of a routine or stereotyped nature should only receive MEDIOCRE marks.

In the assessment and award of marks, follow strictly the marking Scheme which is given in the list of practical I.e. provided to the Examiners/Schools at the time of Examination.

Every effort should be made to reach a consensus on the marks to be awarded to individual candidates. If a difference of one or two marks still persists even after discussion the average marks should be awarded.

Marks awarded for Project / Practical activities, for viva, for project and for Practical files must be separately shown on the answer-book as the total.

Marks awarded for Project / Practical activities, for viva, for project and for Practical files must be separately shown on the answer-book as the total.

Award lists should be signed by the examiner.

Procedure for Assessment of practical project work in Basic Agriculture:

(Marks for practical- 50)

Practical: The list of practical is given in the curriculum


Project 1- Prepare herbarium of Cereal & Pulse crops

Project 2- Prepare herbarium of different vegetable crops.

Project 3- Prepare herbarium of different vegetable crops.

Project 4-Classification of different types of milk & different milk products.

However, it is suggested here that teachers could also frame similar projects to test skills of students.

The mark for the projects will be assessed by the subject teachers through a well planned rubric, keeping in view the core content,, quality of the project and presentation of work.

To improve students’ presentation skills, it is suggested that the students Be trained to present final project.

From sample Project listed above-(10 marks each)

Students should demonstrate their capacity to handle a project in the examination hall.They should be able to explain the procedure and make the flowchart of project. The

correctness and quality of the project in accordance to the time limit should be kept in mind before grading the child. Further, the time limit should be enough for both projects.

Viva based on Project – 10 marks

  1. What are major pulses grown in Kharif season?
  2. What are major insect-pests of pulses?
  3. Name major cereal crops grown in rabi season?
  4. Can you name some weeds of wheat?
  5. Please name major fruits grown in India?
  6. What are major diseases of mango?
  7. Can you name Cole vegetable crops of our country?
  8. Please tell us different types of milk products.
  9. Can you name different types of seeds in the seed production Industry?
  10. What is the role of honeybees in seed production?

The examiner conducting the final practical examination may ask verbal questions related to the project, if any, done by the student. Alternatively, if no project has been

assigned to the students, viva may be based on questions of practical nature from the field of subject as per the Curriculum.

Practical File/ Report / portfolio or Power Point presentation -10 Marks

Students are required to prepare a practical file having all the experiment listed in the curriculum.

The examiner may access the practical file based on following methodology:

Prepare a power point Presentation (Maximum 5 slides)


Draw/demonstrate the work done in the file using block diagram/circuit diagram/flowchart.

Students need to present their practical work. Alternatively, if they can’t be assigned a power point presentation then they can communicate their practical work defining the

procedure, precautions observed while preparing the practical file.

Demonstration of skill competency via Lab Activities -20 marks

  1. Identification of different pulses grown in India.


  1. Identification of different fruits of our country


  1. Identification of different value added products of fruits & vegetables.


  1. Identification of different vegetable crops.

Activity question to be created by examiner, to be conducted on the day of practical.


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  1. Saurabh says:

    I got 56 Marks in social and I got I
    86marks in music can I replace social by music for class 10

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