Letter to the Sanitary Officer complaining against the unsanitary conditions of the lanes and roads in your area.
Letter to the Sanitary Officer complaining against the unsanitary conditions of the lanes and roads in your area.
C-125, Amar Colony
Lajpat Nagar-IV
New Delhi-110024
July 5, 2007
The Sanitary Officer
Municipal Corporation
Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar-IV
New Delhi-110024
Subject:- Pathetic unsanitary conditions of the lanes and roads in of our area
On behalf of the Market Association of Amar Colony, I consider it my painful duty to bring to your kind notice that the residents of our locality are suffering a lot on account of the unsanitary conditions of the area. We are afraid that this may cause an epidemic similar to the Surat Episode, a few years back, that caused war-like conditions.
The sweepers of the area seem to have forgotten their duty and the garbage collection vans turn up only once in a week. As a result, all the streets are full of garbage. The parks and open spaces too are overflowing with filth and waste material. The drains are also choked, resulting in stagnation of waste water. No wonder, they have become the harbours of mosquitoes and insects.
Before the situation gets out of control, I shall like to request that the sanitary staff be asked to attend to this locality on an emergency basis.
We hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary action urgently and supervise the work personally. A copy of this letter is being endorsed to the Mayor of the Corporation.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Jitendra Arya
C.C.. The Mayor,
Delhi Corporation
Town Hall, Delhi-110002.