How to write “Letters of Congratulation”
Letters of Congratulation
The key to success in writing a letter of congratulation is promptness. Write the letter as soon as you hear the good news and are still filled with initial pleasure at hearing of the birth of a child, an engagement, an honor.
We all like to share someone’s good fortune, and for that reason the letter of congratulation is especially pleasant to write. And it is the kind of letter that goes a long way to making friendships warm and lasting.
Here are typical reasons for writing a letter of congratulation.
A person receives recognition for any achievement, passes a birthday, plans an interesting vacation, gets promoted , takes a public stand on an issue , gets a new customer, recovers from an illness, has a happy family event, plays a good game of golf , joins a new organization.
A company passes an important anniversary, creates a new product or service , establishes a new policy , gets a new account, lowers or raises designs a new package, takes a stand on a political issue, or joins a trade association.
A few basic rules to remember, aside from the all-important necessity of being prompt, are sincerity, cheerfulness, mentioning the occasion, and in most cases, brevity.