Example Letter regarding claim for Fire Damage
Example Letter regarding claim for Fire Damage
May 4, 2003
The Branch Manager,
Oriental Insurance Company,
C.P. Branch,
New Delhi.
On May 2, 2003, a devastating fire broke out in the nearby depot and spread so fast that my theatre ‘Globe’ was gutted within no time. I was fortunate that all the shows were over and as a result there was no loss of lives. It is said that there were some illegally kept inflammable objects which caught on fire. The estimated damage is worth approximately 4 crores. The theatre is covered in your policy for which the xerox of the insurance cover is hereby enclosed for your information. You are requested to begin your investigation process and expedite the mater at the earliest so that the renovation work could go underway. Also feel free to contact me, in case you need some more documentary evidence.
Looking forward to an early action.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely,
Anupam Kher