Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “A Vision of The World in The Century” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “A Vision of The World in The Century” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

A Vision of The World in The Century

That now is an old and outdated story that man has evolved from the ape. If one talks about this theory of evolution one would be treated as obsolete. Nov the modern concept is—a robot replacing a man. Such widespread and miraculous changes and evaluations have taken place (occurred) within the last fifty years that only one has to wonder and remain wonder struck.

Information technology is the watchword of the 21st century. Already remarkable strides have been made in the field of computers and what seems to be a novelty today may turn into the out-of-date tomorrow. The world would turn into really a globe of the size, as being brought by the geography teacher for demonstration in the class. Space and time, which already has been reduced to a nullity, would have no existence at all. It would be as in a magic world where one would reach thousands of miles in the twinkling of an eye-at least if not physically then on internet. Sitting at home you will have all information, all charts, all situations, all locations on the website and Internet. We are today concerned about the environment and its pollution and of other environmental hazards. In the coming century even the environment might become man-controlled. Nature would turn into a slave at our beck and call-to do and perform whatever it be hidden to do. There might then be no droughts and no floods—even cyclones could be curbed and controlled. Deserts might become habitable and agriculturally viable.

Ships, trains, planes and cars might run with nuclear energy and our cry for the depletion of the natural sources of energy might get silenced. Even industries and factories may run with nuclear power. Production capabilities would increase and none would die of starvation and lack of nutrition.

The fatal disease might also find curves and human life- space may increase—but will human-relationship—mutual trust, love and family bonds-keep intact or they would also achieve formalized into a machine or a cassette-that is still a matter of conjecture. But it would be sad day if it so happens. Man at least should remain human-whatever the shape of the world at large may take, otherwise, with all the pleasures at our door and all our pains relieved. We shall turn into automatons with no feelings, with no attachments, with no bonds. Even today with the present scientific developments and the micro-families living in large metropolitan cities, the family as such has grown very limited, still on festive occasions people do gather, meet, interact and realize a bond. But if everything could be taking place with the help of computerized ways, what then would be the need to come together and be together. If with all advancements, the togetherness is liable to go, then life would hardly be worth-living.

Of course, one the other hand, one welcome change can be expected-the political leadership in the form and shape as it exists at parents, particular in our country—India way-get replaced by leadership by scientists and technocrats and the corrupt political scene may be cleaned and the culprit could be caught and would not be able to get away with his nefarious way. Social disputes would stand avoided as everything could be detected and defined in the right proper manner.

In the family life the parents would determine the gender of their to-be-born child and population may get controlled but at what level, one cannot conjecture. Agricultural production is bound to increase with the improved variety of seeds and fertilizers but the concentration from agriculture may shift to industries and the rural population may remain purely rural no longer. Even villages may grow into a better shape and PCO at every nook and corner may not remain just a PCO but may be turned into a cyber-cell on which simple villagers may also become cyber conscious and cyber friendly. Even in cities, there shall be cyber clubs and cyber entertainment parks on a large scale which will make children’s sources of amusement increase many fold. This is a picture which can be visualized and may not appear just a dream world. This may turn into a reality as the present trend appears to be envisaging.

Once again, one requires to ponder over the basic elements of human life. If, with all technological advancements, men lose their basic elements and instincts of cordiality, familiarity, and mutual goodwill, if tears would not roll down the cheeks at the sight of an afflicted; if the eyes would not brighter up on the meeting ones long time friend, then what uses all this celerity. Let the world turn into a place full of all pleasure but no pleasure is greater than giving and receiving affection. ‘The dizziest elevation in life is to love and be loved in return’ —wrote R.L. Stevenson, the great English essayist. That alone is what makes life, a life worth living.


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