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English Essay on “This is truth, the poet sings, that sorrow’s crown of sorrows is remembering happy things”

This is truth, the poet sings, that sorrow’s crown of sorrows is remembering happy things

For those who have for long enjoyed happiness, being sad is indeed a painful experience. The severity of the pain increases particularly when they remember the happy times in their lives. However, as both happiness and sorrow take turns in life, it is essential that we be well-prepared to face both. Adjusting to them will be easy if we accept both with equanimity, believing firmly that neither can be permanent besides, we should have control over our emotions to avoid over-reacting to situations. It should be our policy not to be too happy in times of joy and not too depressed in times of sorrow. In other words, for life to be balanced, we should not let either happiness or sorrow get the better of us. (126 words)


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