Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Walking – A Miraculous Exercise” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Walking – A Miraculous Exercise
Our ancestors were firm believers in the values of walking. Yet they didn’t know the precise physical effects of walking. Modem medicine does — and today doctors make assertions about the benefits of brisk walking that have a sound basis in medical fact. Noted heart specialist Dr. Paul Dudley white said: “It is the easiest exercise for most individuals, one that can be done without equipment except good shoes in most terrains and weather and into very old age.”
It is not mere walking that they are talking about — it is brisk walking, which brings the human stride into play. Each of us has his own stride — and hitting it, for one long distance or several short distances in the course of a day, brings to us the boons of this time saving, untiring, pleasurable motion that is so natural to the human species.
No other creature plants down a heel, rolls on a sole to a springy big toe in a movement in which both feet are on the ground together only 25 percent of the time, knees articulating, muscles flexing easily, pelvic saddle swiveling in a marvel of simple engineering. Nowadays, for good reason, man has applied the term “hit your stride” to describe times when he has been in overdrive and operating smoothly, doing more work with less effort and fewer mistakes.
“I have two doctors,” goes the old saw, “my left leg and my right.” Dr. White backed this up, saying, “A vigorous five-mile (8 km) walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.”
Thus we all need to take full advantage of this simple, cheap and efficient form of exercise which is beneficial to us not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.