Essay on “National Integration” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Essay No. 01
National Integration
7 Best Essays on “National Integration”
A country which has the craze for self-rule and in which all the communities consider itself as one is called a nation. Economic independence, culture, language, and territorial integration are the ties of a nation. There is a feeling of oneness, unity, and commonness in it. India is a country where ‘National Integration’ is heard most. There has been political disunity and the rise and fall of various empires. Different languages are spoken here. People have different food habits. Different religions are propagated here. But Indian culture and customs have united the Indians and promoted a feeling of oneness and common citizenship.
National Integration is a psychological process. It means a will-knit society in which all are loyal to their country. National Integration is very important for the all-around development of the country. In fact, its existence depends on it.
There are different climates in India. Food habits are different, crops are different and there is a difference in faiths and beliefs. They wear different dresses. Even the Indian customs and conventions are vast and varied. The people pursued different sects and religions. There is a difference even in the lands. The northern area is very fertile. There are hills and mountain ranges here. In the south, there are deserts, barren lands, and plateaus.
As a result, its soil is different infertility and nature. The taste and temperament color, features are all different. There are fanatic people who create communal disturbances in the name of religion. Casteism, provincialism is also rampant in our society. Sectarianism and communalism disrupt our inner harmony. The states have been created on the basis of the language formula.
In spite of all the diversity of culture, India stands united. It is because our constitution was so designed to give equal rights to people every religion, sect, area, sex, and culture. We cannot forget the noble service done to this country by Late Sardar Vallahbhai Patel in this direction. He was the iron man of India who wrought miracle by unifying all the numerous essentially needed to keep India alive we cannot allow disintegration of any kind. It is our prestige.
There are forces now that resort to communalism, provincialism, and parochialism. They have their vested interest. They do not stand for India. They want it to disintegrate. They are tools in the hands of some foreign elements. They do not like to see India united and strong. Pakistan and Bangladesh are the recent creations carved out of India. We cannot bear further divisions. We have to crush the movements of secession with a strong hand.
Let us promote national integration by doing everything that is possible. Let us encourage all the forces of patriotism along with the promotion of good-will and mutual trust among people of different areas, castes, religions. A sincere effort by in this direction. Any negative activity in this regard should out grievances of different sections of people is essential before things go out of control.
Essay No. 2
National Integration
India is a multi-racial and multi-religious country. It is a purist State. It is a secular country where the people of all religions worship, without any let or hindrance, according to their religious practices, though subject to law and order.
Geographically and linguistically, India has a vast variety. It is a unity in diversity. The Indian people in different States and regions eat different kinds of food. They wear different clothes, they speak different languages. They have different castes and they observe different religious practices. Still, they are all Indians.
It is a pity that communal riots take place in different parts of our country off and on. Mostly the innocent, gullible people are incited by political leaders and religious habits to indulge in acts of violence and resort to arson, murder loot mayhem, etc.
The result is the untold loss to life and property mostly of innocent. Such people should be dealt with sternly.
An awakening and love for the country should be brought about among the common people. These are the innocent illiterate people who are most gullible and most likely to be led astray. Therefore, the literacy campaign should be intensified.
Students should be given patriotic lectures in colleges and the school and college curricula should include the lives of great national leaders. The practice of pilgrimages, fairs, etc. where members of all communities participate should be encouraged.
Essay No. 3
National Integration
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “We have to produce a society of those people who profess different religions, but they live like brothers.” In fact, this statement of Mahatma Gandhi has the essence of national integration in India, where people of different religions live together. The feeling of oneness in different religions, castes, communities, and regions is called national integration.
The British rulers sowed the seeds of hatred among the people of different religions in India because they believed in the policy of “Divide and Rule”. The British government in India encouraged Muslim League to demand Pakistan on the basis of a separate religion and separate nation. But the Constitution of free India lays down that India is a secular state which means that people of different religions have full freedom of worship in this country and they live like brothers.
National integration means that we should have a true spirit of patriotism in our hearts. We should think that we Indians first and members of a particular religion afterward. We should consider ourselves part and parcel of our country. We should always remember the following words of Swami Ram Tirath.
“The land of India is my own body. The Comorin is my feet and the Himalayas are my head. From my hair flows the Ganga and from my head comes the Brahmaputra. The Vidhyachal is grit around my loins.”
We stand in the need of true patriotism. If all of us become true patriots, there will be no communal riots in this holy land of India. But alas, these riots have been raising their ugly head from time to time in free India. We were justified when we blamed the British rulers in India for encouraging communal riots in this country. But there is no justification for the communal riots even after getting our independence.
The recent communal riots in Assam, Gujarat, U.P., Delhi, and Punjab are a blot on the fair name of our holy country. It is a matter of shame and sorrow that even Hindus and Sikhs of the Punjab, who till now had been living like brothers, have fallen prey to communal riots after the tragic killing of Indira Gandhi. The need of the hour is that all Punjabis should consider one another as brothers and live peacefully as such.
India is a vast country, where many languages are spoken by people. This causes a great hindrance in the way of national integration. The people of a country remain united if there is a single national language spoken by all its people. Hindi can become such a national language but people of the South do not own it as their National Language.
And now, efforts should be made by the Government of India that all people in this country may own Hindi as their national language even if they use English as a link language. To achieve national integration, people of all provinces, castes, religions, and linguistic groups must be taught to honor the national emblems like National Flag and National Anthem. Provinces should be organized on a geographical basis and not on a linguistic basis. Besides it, a healthy public opinion is to be created in favor of National Integration through the media of Press, Radio and Television. Festivals should promote a sense of oneness and unity among the people. Diwali, Holi, Id, and Christmas can be celebrated as National Festivals. Political parties should be organized on principles and not on the basis of caste, region, or region.
Essay No. 04
National Integration
India is a sovereign democratic secular State. Here, all the people have equal rights and duties without discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, color, creed, region, language, etc.
India is a multi-racial and multi-religious country. It is a pluralist State. It is a secular country where the people of all religions worship, without any let or hindrance, according to their religious practices, though subject to law and order.
Geographically and linguistically, India has a vast variety. It is a unity in diversity. The Indian people in different States and regions eat different kinds of food. They wear different clothes. They speak different languages. They have different castes and they observe different religious practices. Still, they are all Indians.
It is a pity that communal riots take place in different parts of our country off and on. Mostly, the innocent, gullible people are incited by political leaders and religious bigots to indulge in acts of violence and resort to arson, murder, loot, mayhem, etc.
The result is an untold loss to life and property, mostly of innocent people. Such people should be dealt with sternly.
An awakening and love for the country should be brought about among the common people. These are the innocent illiterate people who are most gullible and most likely to be led astray. Therefore, the literacy campaign should be intensified.
Intercaste and inter-religious marriages should be less encouraged. People should be encouraged to celebrate together festivals sacred to all religions. Ancient monuments whether temples or mosques should be considered national monuments.
Students should be given patriotic lectures in colleges and the school and college curricula should include the lives of great national leaders. The practice of pilgrimages, fairs, etc. where members of all communities. participate should be encouraged.
Essay No. 05
National Integration
Even a casual student of Indian History would realize how often disunity and discord among our people spelled rum. Long foreign domination has been largely the offspring of the lack of unity among the different sections of our countrymen. The most tragic instance of this bane was the partition of the country into Pakistan and India in 1947, only because the Muslims and other communities could not evolve a common formula for the transfer of power from the British to our hands.
One of the principal means to strengthen the inner and deeper unity of India is to evolve speedily a national language for the entire country. Hindi has officially been accepted as our National language, but unfortunately, it has not found a place in the hearts of our people, particularly in the South. In fact, a bitter and tragic controversy has developed over the issue of Hindi replacing English in official and educational spheres. Consequently, though five decades have elapsed since the dawn of freedom, we have yet to evolve a language of the whole nation.
It cannot be denied that the problem of Hindi rather gave a fillip to the resurgence of regional languages and cultures at the expense of the national cause. The plea of forming new states according to regional languages and cultures resulted in the formation of the States’ Reorganisation Commission and its report virtually touched off a most painful eruption of communal and local patriotism. The spectacle of parochialism and bigotry, rioting and bloodshed on that occasion was most painful and depressing. There was considerable justification for cursing the Congress decision to reorganize the state boundaries at all.
The revival of linguism has affected the educational and intellectual unity of the country adversely. English, though a foreign language, was the medium of instruction in schools, colleges, and universities. Despite the defects of this system, it brought about precious intellectual and educational unity. After the attainment of freedom, the medium of instruction even in the highest stages of education is going to be regional or state language. This is bound to lead to disastrous intellectual isolation and stagnation. One of the pressing needs in this sphere is to reverse the present policy and introduce Hindi as the medium of instruction in the highest stages of education. If this is not possible, English should be allowed to continue to occupy the position it did in the past until such time as a common national language is evolved to take its place.
The need for national integration is even greater at the present juncture. We have to be wide awake to the threats posed by the hostile attitudes of our neighbors, Pakistan, China, and Bangladesh. National integration is also necessary for social peace and harmony. Our lives cannot enjoy peace and security unless there are mutual trust and goodwill among all sections of the people of the country. No progress can be made in the field of art and literature, science and technology,-cultural advancement, and economic well-being if disruptive tendencies tear as under the very fabric of our national life. Also, we cannot play an effective role in the international field if we do not set our own house in order.
We talk of integration because there is disintegration. Disintegration in India has assumed many forms. The most menacing form is communalism. The monster of communalism head every now and then a tendency which has develop of raising its ugly and then, is eating into the vitals of our national life. Linguism is another form. Provincialism is still another. Casteism and parochialism also disturb our social peace and harmony.
The issue of national integration should claim the first attention of our government and the people. Communal parties should be banned. Education should be given a secular orientation. All media of publicity should be pressed into service for inculcating a national outlook among the people. There should be integration committees composed of representatives of various communities at the city, district, state, and national level. The National Integration Council should be revitalized, rendering it more capable of devising ways and means to educate the Masses about the prime need for national development. The true spirit of religion should be brought home to the people.
The real answer to the promotion of national integration is enlightened modern scientific education backed by substantial economic uplift of the citizens. Side by side the State must also ensure the maintenance of law and order with a firm hand. If the people of this country are able to kill communalism, India could lead the rest of the world within a few years.
Essay No. 06
National Integration
The vast diversity among its numerous communities has made India one of those countries that are seriously prone to disintegration. But despite the best efforts of its enemies, and in a few cases, of its own people, to divide it along the lines of religion, caste, class, ethnicity, and language prejudices, India stays united and vibrant. This achievement of a semblance of integrity is widely considered a miracle, but in reality, a plan and purpose lie behind it.
The freedom fighters and founding fathers of our nation realized during the independence movement, that, though India was gifted in many respects, the country was generally weakened by the lack of unity among its people. This lack of unity was the main factor that encouraged a series of foreign powers to colonize India for several centuries together. The leaders of our freedom struggle, who recognized this fact, believed that the key to ensuring India’s vitality and well-being, was in the subjugation of the various divisive forces active in India then, and accordingly made conscious, deliberate attempts to do so. The level of integration we experience today is more due to the sagacity, wisdom, and determination of these leaders than to any miracle or accident.
One of their wisest steps was to recognize India’s diversity and retain it. They made no attempts to modify the societies or to make them uniform in any way. On the contrary, they encouraged the societies to retain their distinct identities, with regard to customs, traditions, and language. By adopting this approach, the leaders were able to gain the confidence of the different societies, and through it, the cooperation of the people. There were definite advantages in pushing the cause of cooperation and coexistence by appeal and persuasion, because, as the present shows, the people seem to have opted for integration willingly, and perhaps involuntarily.
In a country like India, no progress could have been possible without a healthy integration among its people. Being a vast country with its resources scattered widely across it, India needed some system that enabled the fruits of development to spread all over it. It was necessary, in the interests of development that the iron ore in central India moved to the steel mills of Bihar and Bengal, and from there, as finished steel products to all parts of the country. For similar reasons, the surplus food grains from the north-western parts of India had to flow to the south or north-east India. Besides materials and commodities, people also had to move from one part of the country to another, to meet the demands for employment. It is hard to imagine how these needs could be met if the country were not suitably integrated.
However, having enjoyed the fruits of integration for long, we seem to take its conveniences for granted. The re-emergence of communalism, regionalism, and downright parochialism in a big way, in recent times, though they were for long-suppressed by the enthusiasm for progress and well-being, cannot be explained in any other way. Of all the divisive trends that exist in India, the one fueled by religious sentiments is the most dangerous. Those wanting to break up the country are so well aware of the potential of these sentiments that they ignite them whenever they wish to create trouble in society.
While we recognize the potential of divisive forces to create trouble for us, we should think about why they are at all able to do what they are doing. It is a fact, that owing to poor leadership in the immediate past, the people’s interest in government, and their faith in its ability to fulfill their needs, are steadily declining. The high ideals of morality, sincerity, and wisdom, that exemplified leadership in the past, have now been replaced by corruption, criminality, and intolerance. Since governments of all political colors have had the opportunity to rule the country, but have failed to please the people, it is quite natural that the people have developed an uneasiness towards all of them; which they wish to overcome by being sympathetic to the hitherto hated casteist and communal forces.
Hence, the threat-to national integration is more due to the incompetence of established and popular political parties, than to the strength of divisive forces. The people are choosing reactionary forces more out of desperation and frustration than genuine preference. The answer to the prevailing atmosphere of stress and discord in the country is, therefore, to have a government that is strong, popular and responsible, and manned by persons who have sincerity, integrity, courage, and the ability to work hard; a government that -frames such policies as will cause the wholesome development of the society, rather than that of its especially favored sections, a government that provides for the education of the people so that they may make their choices or take their decisions themselves, rather than succumb to the seduction of others; a government that creates for the people opportunities for gainful employment, so that they may overcome their frustration and hopelessness.
India’s most valuable resource is its people. The common belief is that, with such a vast population, no meaningful progress is possible. But, rather than a liability, the population can be an asset, if it is harnessed properly. If we sincerely combine our efforts and energies with our aims, we can make great strides in development. Let us not forget the saying, ‘United we stand, divided we fall.’!
Essay No. 07
National Integration
On the dawn of 15th August when India rejoiced in its newfound freedom it also shed tears for the partition which was imposed on us. The British policy of divide and rule had borne fruit in the form of two nations. As a result, the country was divided into the lines of religion.
Partition also witnessed large-scale butchery, Countless innocent destroyed by antisocial elements, people died in the name of religion. Property worth millions was
From the ashes of partition arose the slogan of National Integration This slogan was formally inducted into the national mainstream in 1961, at the National Integration Conference.
However, this often-repeated word is not understood by the majority of Indians. To them, it is one of those words which is constantly repeated by self-seeking politicians.
On the contrary, if we separate this word from the political dictionary we will realize that in this word lies our existence as a nation.
National Integration means cementing the people of this nation into a single identity. It is a bond that is above all the caste, region, religion, and language consideration. It is a feeling of love and harmony, cooperation and peace, unity and oneness. It means that all our interests are secondary to the nation and its interests.
Today many political parties and so-called secular leaders are advocating secession from India. They exploit the emotional, religious, and regional sentiments of the people to divide them. Each one of them thinks himself to be first a Punjabi, or a Tamil, or a Gujarati. None of us thinks himself to be an Indian first. In the process, we forget that we have become slaves many times in our history to foreign powers. The reason being that we stood divided against their invasions.
We do not sit and think that National Integration is essential for the peace of the society. The safety and prosperity of a country depend upon our staying and working together. Each state is like a limb of the body call India. Any ailment in them brings the progress of a country to a grinding halt. It is only when we collectively fight the divisive forces can we can hope to win against any attack on our country
Unfortunately, there are no full-proof methods of binding the country together. The process of Integration has to be slow and steady. And it should begin with emotionally integrating the people which means that we must be on guard against those people who wish to divide us. Our educational system should do away with all the lessons which preach the greatness of one religion over the other. Lastly, all forms of public media should make a conscious effort to avoid any inflammatory news, Views, and programs.
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