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Essay on “Indian Democracy” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian Democracy


Synopsis: Democracy is a is a political set-up in which public it’s the ultimate power.  India is democratic country based on the system of adult franchise and indirect participation by the people in the government.  All people are equipping before law in India.  It is democratic ideal based on equality of opportunity.  India is a democratic and welfare state which implies reasonably goo duality of life tall its citizens.  But in this respect Indies has failed.  Indian democracy’s economic and social contents have not been realized yet and three is a lot of poverty, illiteracy, hunger and deprivation.  Elections in India are not as free, fair and fearless as they ought to be.  There is an urgent need of electoral reforms.

            India is a democratic county.  Here the will and consent of the majority prevail.  It is a government in which each and every individual has some participation, some share.  Democracy provides for the expression and development of the individuals.  Every individual here has the freedom to realize his intellectual, economical and spiritual potentials to the maximum.  This means that Indian democracy is a political arrangement with particular economic, social and political approach. 

            In Ian everybody is equal before law.  Each and every human being is guaranteed freedom to develop himself to the fullest possible extent without any hindrance.  Equality is the essence of democracy and all the citizens have equality of opportunity nut it never means regimentation and rigid uniformity.  And this lends variety, diversity and plurality in unity.  As a nation India is one but as individuals the citizens are free to follow their own individual faith, religion, desires and ways of life.  It means individual diversities and national unity and integrity are not incompatible but rather complementary.

            The economic aspect of democracy means that each and every citizen is made to live a goo dandy meaningful life with at least minimum needs of life easily available. Democracy means bringing the gap between the rich and the poor and raising the standard of living of the masses.  True democracy implies that nobody goes to bed hungry, that he has at least simple roof over his head and clothes to veer his body.  These are the ideals of democracy, challenges which should be faced and met. 

            Defection and desertion is another great danger to Indian democracy. Political leaders without policies programme, principles and moral values often change their loyalties form one faction to another for petty personal and party gains and destabilize the governments and balance of power. Such unscrupulous leaders do not hesitate to cause split in their political parties to grab power with the help of other; fictionalizations with whom they have no harmony, understanding or policy-accord at all.  Such unholy alliances and strange bed-fellowship have abnormally increased in recent years. 

            Criminalization of politics poses a great danger to our democracy.  Politicians in high places and positions have nexus with criminals, mafias, and antisocial elements and use them blatantly against tie adversaries.  Political murders, kidnappings, abductions and threes have become very common.  They indulge in buying of the votes, threatening the voters, booth-capturing, violence, shooting and killing during the election and in such a situating democracy becomes a sheer mockery.  Election Commission should to curb some of these evils effectively.  There should be transparency in election-funding, electioneering and expenditure of the candidates.  Often the party in power misuses electronic media of rites electioneering purpose.  All these evils be checked and eliminate.   


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