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Essay on “After High School Examination” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

After High School Examination

Suppose you have passed you High School Examination and a rich uncle has given you Rs. 15000/- to be spent on one of the following:

  1. Studies in a foreign country,
  2. Buying a plot of land in Delhi,
  3. Starting a small industry,

The result of my high school examination was out last week. To my great surprise, I was placed in the first division. It was a surprise, I was placed in the first division. It was a surprise for all of course a happy surprise. And to crown all this, another surprise was in store for me. It was in the form of a cheque a cheque for Rs. 15,000/- it was from my uncle. He too had read about my singular success and the cheque, therefore, was a symbol of his joy and bounty. I was of course at a loss to my uncle money does not matter much as the goddess of wealth is kind to him but tome a sum of Rs.; 15000 is a boom of fortune.

There was the cheque and to it where attached three proposals i.e. how I was going to utilize the money whether I would like to go to a foreign country for higher studies and make a career for myself or AI would like to invest the sum in buying a plot of land in Delhi and thus solve my housing problem for future and the last one was to start a small industry.

These three perusals were quite attractive and interesting, too To me it was no less than a Hobson’s choice to pick up one or to ignore the other. I weighed and considered these proposals in my mind and the benefits resulting there form in future.

To run an industry on a small scale has also its attractive features. India needs rapid industrialization of the country as it can bring in an era of prosperity and raise the industrial standard of living of the masses. To invest the money in an industry, therefore, weighting the pros and cons of these three proposals, I realize that the first two proposals go a long way in solving my selfish motives. So to invest the money in either would mean that I would be serving my personal ends and I alone would be benefiting by this fortune. By going to a foreign country for further education would mean a satisfaction of my own ambition and at the same time it would mean a drain exhaust on the precious foreign exchange of my country.

Again every individual residing in Delhi has not his own house. Why should I alone aspire for one? No doubt to have one’s own house adds to one’s comforts and many problems are solved but one should not forget where a greater interest lies. Tome interests of the country are always supreme. For my country I am ready to sacrifice everything.

Thus my choice is of the third proposal. My money would be spent on running a small industry. This would undoubtedly, involve a sacrifice of my personal ambitions and aspirations but it will serve the greater interest of my country.


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