Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Sri Aurobindo” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Sri Aurobindo
India : Philosopher and Revolutionary
Born : AD 1872 Died : AD 1950
Aurobindo Ghose can be called a revolutionary-ascetic who pro-pounded direct political action than moderate reformism but ended being an ascetic, spreading the message of divine peace and love. As a revolutionary, he is honoured in India for his nationalistic fervour but as a philosopher, the world admires him for his divine vision. Vehement though his activities were, they could not last long. After the 1907 sedition case there came a sudden change in his life. He sailed for Pondicherry in 1910, set up an ashram there and adopted the sedate life of a philosopher-thinker.
Sri Aurobindo tried to assimilate Indian and Western philosophical thoughts and find the paths of divine communion and spiritual realization. He believed in spiritual and cultural evolution of man along with attainment of worldly goals.
Sri Aurobindo was born in Calcutta. He was educated first at Darjeeling, then was sent to England. He passed his ICS but could not relish serving the British empire. He worked for some time with sister Nivedita.
Maharshi Aurobindo stayed mainly at Pondicherry and was engrossed in meditation. The ashram was looked after by ‘Ma’, the mother. Hit ashram attracts visitors from all over the world. Even today the ashram is a center of meditation and a seat of studies on Aurobindo.