English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination
Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs
These days, many students consume alcohol and drugs. However, all of them have their own problems which they want to “escape” from. Family problems, social problems, the bad clique, physical and mental abuses are small part of what the students that take drugs are associated with. On the other hand, maybe, it is only to show off, who knows! Students who consume illegal substances have poor academic performance and are much likely to cut out of school. They cannot concentrate and think clearly, but when they do, they are under the influence of some drug. The drugs often become a habit, and even when you don’t need it to escape reality, you take it and it becomes a part of you; the bad part of you.