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Download Sample Question Paper Solved of “Front Office Operations- Code 810” for Class 12 NSQF Vocational, CBSE Session 2021-2022.

Front Office Operations (Subject Code- 810)

Sample Question Paper Solved of “Food Production” for Class 12 Session 2019-2020
Max. Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Section A: Objective Type Questions

Q. 1 Answer. any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks)

i The part of speech which joins words, phrases, or clauses is:
a) Preposition
b) Conjunction
c) Interjection
d) Adjective


ii The disorder which shows lack of interest in social relationships and people tend to be distant, detached and indifferent is:
a) Avoidant
b) Obsessive
c) Schizoid
d) Paranoid


iii Which of the following is not an internal motivational force?
a) Feedback
b) Goals
c) Needs
d) Attitudes


iv How do you select an entire column in EXCEL?
a) Select Edit > Select > Column from the menu
b) Hold down the shift key as you click anywhere in the column
c) Hold down the control key as you click anywhere in the column
d) Click the column heading letter


v An entrepreneur is never disheartened by failures and keeps trying, adapting and iterating to overcome obstacles that come in the way of achieving goals.
This competency is known as:
a) Assertiveness
b) Persistence
c) Persuasiveness
d) Effective strategy


vi ______________ is the non-conventional fuel that is sought for to run vehicles without creating pollution.
a) Petrol
b) Bitumen
c) Biofuel
d) Diesel


Q. 2 Answer. any 5 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i One of the main factors that led to the start of hospitality as a commercial activity:
a) Invention of steam engine.
b) Invention of wheel
c) Tour operators
d) Computerization


ii The lodging places grew in Europe and Minor Asia in the 3rd century AD were known as:
a) Motels
b) Inns
c) MAns.ions
d) Resorts

iii The main factor that changed travel from social to business travel in England was:
a) Package Tour
b) Industrial Revolution
c) Grand Tour
d) Development of Aircraft


iv The lodging establishments of Europe, especially Switzerland were known as:
a) Motels
b) Condominium Hotels
c) Chalets
d) Inns

v Which hotel is regarded as the first luxury hotel in the modern era?
a) The Tremont House
b) City Hotel
c) Statler Hotel
d) Waldorf Astoria


vi Elite Hotels are brand of
a) Taj Group
b) Welcome Group
c) Ashoka Group
d) Oberoi Group

vii “To ignore or behave coldly” is one of the seven deadly sins of service. It is termed as:
a) Brush-off
b) Condescension
c) Runaround
d) Coldness

Q. 3 Answer. any 6 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 6 = 6 marks)

i Call opening in Hotels include:
a) Greeting and your name
b) Company and your name
c) Greeting, company and your name
d) Greeting and company name


ii Which one is most appropriate in telephone etiquettes:
a) Can I put you on hold
b) Be on line
c) May, I please place your call on hold
d) Wait a moment


iii The department normally responsible for staff related functions in a hotel is:
a) Accounts
b) Human Resource
c) Front Office
d) Security


iv Which of the following is a Non-operating and revenue-producing department?
a) Travel Agency
b) Laundry
c) Accounts
d) Sales & Marketing


v Guest services in front office is otherwise known as:

a) F&B Service
b) Special Services
c) Uniformed Services
d) Service on request


vi The receptionist could always invite comments from guest:
a) To inform the management if it is positive
b) To blacklist if he is not satisfied
c) To know his level of satisfaction with hotel and service
d) To know if he complains about the front office department and its service


vii The first Leela Hotel opened in 1987 in:
a) Goa
b) Mumbai
c) Thiruvananthapuram
d) Bangalore



Q. 4 Answer. any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i A guest who arrives at the hotel without a reservation is called:

a) Stay over
b) Chance guest
c) Walk-in
d) Temporary guest

ii A density chart is:

a) A planning chart
b) Chart which controls staff working hours
c) Availability of rooms of a particular type
d) Railway reservation


iii The hotel diary is a part of

a) Personal event diary
b) Record of past events.
c) Record of guest activities
d) Reservation system


iv An under stay means.:
a) A guest departs early in the morning
b) A guest leaves before breakfast
c) A guest departs prior to scheduled departure date
d) A guest is annoyed

v A guest who does not arrive to take up a reservation is called:
a) Guaranteed reservation
b) Late arrival
c) No show
d) 6:00 pm release


vi A tariff is:
a) A bill
b) Outline of room status
c) Breakdown of sales figures
d) A list of charges of the hotel


Q. 5 Answer. any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i The department often regarded as a passive department in hotel is:
a) Engineering
b) Security
c) Front Office
d) House Keeping


ii ‘E-Key’ stands for:
a) Electronic key
b) Emergency key
c) Employee key
d) Essential key


iii The department responsible for maintaining lost and found articles in a hotel:
a) Security
b) House keeping
c) Front Office
d) Back office


iv At any accident or sudden injury situation the four key steps to follow are:
a) First aid, assess, treat, record
b) Assess, diagnose, treat, record
c) Assess, diagnose, treat, medical attention
d) Diagnose, treat, assess, record


v Section master keys and floor master keys are issued:
a) Once in a month
b) In the morning
c) At every shift
d) At night


vi When dealing with guest complaints the most important quality required by staff:
a) Calmness
b) Honesty
c) Patience
d) Empathy

Q. 6 Answer. any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i The type of complaints do guests make when they feel they have been mistreated by the hotel staff:
a) Service-related complaints
b) Attitudinal complaints
c) Unusual complaints
d) Mechanical complaints

ii Sometimes you can quickly calm an irate customer by simply:
a) Smiling
b) Thinking of how you will respond and not paying attention
c) Listening
d) Telling the customer about your policy


iii Guest in room no: 305 called up front office department to complain about lack of hot water supply in his room, what would you do as a front office staff to handle the guest complaint?
a) Politely ask the guest to call maintenance section for further action.
b) Ask the guest to inform the House Keeping department
c) Inform the maintenance section and do the follow up.
d) Will make entry in log book


iv According to you, what is sustainable development?
a) Development that will always last
b) Development that meets the needs of both present and future generations
c) Developments that is based on protecting the earth
d) Development that meets the needs of future.


v The most important reason for decrease in biodiversity is:
a) Habitat pollution
b) Habitat destruction
c) Over- exploitation
d) Climate change


vi The minimum score required to consider energy-efficiency of appliances in Energy Star certification is:
a) 75
b) 85
c) 80
d) 65


Section B: Subjective Type Questions

Answer. any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks)

Answer. each question in 20 – 30 words.
Q. 7 Why is active listening important in the workplace?
Q. 8 List any four sources of self-motivation.
Q. 9 What is spreadsheet? List any two uses of spreadsheet.
Q. 10 Enlist any four benefits of entrepreneurial competencies.
Q. 11 Briefly explain the importance of green jobs in different sectors of the economy?


Answer. any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 20 – 30 words each (2 x 3 = 6 marks)

Q. 12 Write short note on Modern Era of the hospitality industry?
Q. 13 Enlist any four attributes of a hospitality professional.
Q. 14 Write about tentative reservation followed in hotels?
Q. 15 Write the procedure to allocate safe deposit locker to a guest in front office?
Q. 16 Briefly explain the ‘Earth Check ‘certification for hotels?


Answer. any 2 out of the given 3 questions in 30– 50 words each (3 x 2 = 6 marks)

Q. 17 The front desk is where the guests temporarily wait to find an accommodation or to clear their bill. Discuss the points to be kept in mind while positioning a front desk in a hotel?
Q. 18 Define empathy. Describe its importance in handling complaints?
Q. 19 Write any six characteristics of Eco-Hotel?


Answer. any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)

Q. 20 Draw the organization chart of a small hotel?
Q. 21 Elaborate the two types of Central Reservation System followed in hotels? Name any two CRS networks available in India.
Q. 22 “The reservation process is of vital importance to a hotel”. Justify this statement with relevant points?
Q. 23 Discuss the procedure to be followed while handling a drunken guest in front office? What are the extra security measures adopted in hotels for Women/ Female guests?
Q. 24 What are unusual complaints? Give any two examples? How will you deal with such complaints in front office?




Section A: Objective Type Questions
Q. 1 Answer. any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks)

i b) Conjunction
ii c) Schizoid
iii a) Feedback
iv d) Click the column heading letter
v b) Persistence
vi c) Biofuel


Q. 2 Answer. any 5 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i b) Invention of wheel
ii c) MAns.ions
iii b) Industrial Revolution
iv c) Chalets
v a) The Tremont House
vi c) Ashoka Group 1
vii a) Brush-off


Q. 3 Answer. any 6 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 6 = 6 marks)
i c) Greeting, company and your name
ii c) May, I please place your call on hold
iii b) Human Resource
iv a) Travel Agency
v c) Uniformed Services
vi c) To know his level of satisfaction with hotel and service
vii b) Mumbai


Q. 4 Answer. any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i c) Walk-in
ii c) Availability of rooms of a particular type
iii d) Reservation system
iv c) A guest departs prior to scheduled departure date
v c) No show
vi d) A list of charges of the hotel


Q. 5 Answer. any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i b) Security
ii b) Emergency key
iii b) House keeping
iv c) Assess, diagnose, treat, medical attention
v c) At every shift
vi b) Honesty


Q. 6 Answer. any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i a) Service-related complaints
ii c) Listening
iii c) Inform the maintenance section and do the follow up.
iv b) Development that meets the needs of both present and future generations.
v b) Habitat destruction
vi a) 75

Section B: Subjective Type Questions

Answer. any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks)
Answer. each question in 20 – 30 words.

Q. 7 One of the most critical skills in effective communication is active listening.
Improving our active listening skills will help us succeed. Developing this soft skill will help build and maintain relationships, solve problems, improve processes and retain information such as instructions, procedures and expectations and this soft skill will help to improve our personality

Q. 8 Four sources of self-motivation are:
• Music
• Books
• Activities
• Dreaming big
(Any other points)

Q. 9 A spreadsheet or electronic Spreadsheet is also a long sheet of rows and columns on the computer screen. This helps to manage and organize data in rows and columns.
Spread sheet can be used to:
1. Create data reports
2. Manage accounting documents
(Any other two points)

Q. 10 Four benefits of entrepreneurial competencies
1. Taking actions to implement the ideas.
2. Networking with stakeholders
3. Strategizing and planning the steps that need to be taken.
4. Preparing an action plan and timeline.
(Any other four points)

Q. 11 Green jobs are found in many sectors of the economy. They help to cut the consumption of energy, raw materials and water through high-efficiency strategies, de-carbonize the economy and reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, minimize or avoid altogether all forms of waste and pollution, protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity.


Answer. any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 20 – 30 words each (2 x 3 = 6 marks)

Q. 12 Hospitality, which was rather a part of the culture, emerged as a huge business opportunity. A lot of people started building hotels and they incorporated more and more facilities. Some people saw the opportunity and jumped into the hotel business. The improvisation in the modes of Transport made journeys safer, easier and faster enabling economical as well as frequent mass movement. The development of rope ways lead to the growth of many hotels in the Alpine ranges particularly in Switzerland.

Q. 13
• Be conscious of their image-they dress smartly and carry themselves confidently.
• Be knowledgeable and have the required specialized skills and experience.
• Be hard working, self-disciplines individuals who are accountable for their words and actions.
• Be visionary leaders who can motivate their subordinates.
(Any other four points)

Q. 14 This is when a request from a prospective guest is received for some future day arrival and the hotel blocks the room for this guest provisionally in the hotel records such as charts and diaries and racks or computer and sends a letter of offer to the prospective guest. The offer has a cutoff date by which the guest should send his confirmation which may be in the form of a letter, guarantee by company, credit card or deposit and whichever the hotel may require. Once the confirmation from the guest is received by the hotel till the cutoff date the hotel makes the tentative booking into confirmed booking otherwise the tentative booking is cancelled and records updated.

Q. 15 Hotels have bank type of lockers installed at the front office cash. A locker is allotted to guest that can be opened by using two keys. The master key is with the front office cashier and other key is issued to the guest. A contract is also signed in between the guest and the hotel. Whenever a guest wants to open his locker it has to be entered into the locker operating register. Signatures arealways verified with the specimen. Head cashier inserts his key then a guest inserts his own key, and then only a lock can be opened. Guest is left alone to operate his locker.

Q. 16 Earth Check is favored by many leading eco-conscious hotel companies— e.g.,Intercontinental, Langham, Taj, Radisson, Six Senses—the Earth Check six-step process starts with benchmarking to lay the foundation for sustainable practices and ends with several levels of certification. It is based in Australia.


Answer. any 2 out of the given 3 questions in 30– 50 words each(3 x 2 = 6 marks)

Q. 17 The front desk needs to be positioned appropriately such that the staff and the guests can use them conveniently. The front desk needs to be:
• Positioned at an adequate height and reach.
• An adequately lit-up area.
• Aesthetically furnished.
• Preferably near the hotel lobby and lift.
• Preferably near the sitting area.
• Wide enough to make the staff member communicate with the guests across the desk.

Q. 18 Empathy is defined as the ability to imagine oneself in another’s place and understand the other’s feelings, desires, ideas and actions.
Complaint has to be handled positively and with empathy for the guest, aspiring for 100% guest satisfaction as the outcome. If we look at the situation or problem from the guest’s perspective, we will be able to better understand their frustration and/or anger. Empathizing with the guest is a good way to handle guest complaints as it shows them that we understand what they are going through. It will help to defuse the situation. The best way to show empathy to guest is by naming the emotion. By naming the emotion, expressing understanding and placing ourselves in the guest’s place, we begin the process of diffusing the situation.

Q. 19 1. Housekeeping uses non – toxic cleaning agents and laundry detergents
2. 100% organic cotton sheets, towels and mattresses
3. Non –smoking environment
4. Renewable energy sources like solar or wind energy
5. On-site transportation with green vehicles
6. Non – disposable dishes
(Any other points)

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q. 20 4
Q. 21 There are two basic types of central reservation system,
a) Affiliate network and
b) Non affiliate network

A) An affiliate network is a hotel chains network where all individual units are linked through the central network. Chain hotels link their operations to stream line the processing of reservations and reduce overall system costs; and at the same time, it also allows the non-chain properties to join the system as overflow facilities. Overflow facilities receive reservation requests only after all room availabilities in chain properties within a geographic area are been exhausted

B) A non-affiliated reservation system connects non chain properties and enables independent hotel operators to get the benefit of reservation which the units of chain get and this system also take care of the advertising of the properties.

Two CRS networks available in India.
1. Amadeus – Hires
2. Galileo –Room Master
(Any other two)
Corporate Owner
General Manager
Groundkeeper Controller House Keeper
Night Auditor
Restaurant Housemen
Manager Pool Manager
Desk Clerks
Cook Host
Pantry Wait Staff
Dishwasher Bus Staff
Front Office


Q. 22 The reservation process is of vital importance to a hotel as it:

1) Gives the first impression of the hotels to the guests
2) Sells the main product of the hotel (accommodation)
3) Generates customers for the other department
4) Provides important management information to other departments
5) Updates room availability record and thus maximizes the revenue generated from room bookings.
6) It prepares the housekeeping and front office for arrivals by communicating the arrival details taken at the time of reservation
7) It helps in planning the distribution of staff at the front desk. It provides the reservation data to the finance department, which forecasts the volume of business on the basis of confirmed reservations

Q. 23 A drunken guest may disturb other guests. Hotel staff should calmly handle the situation.
• Don’t argue with the intoxicated guest.
• Don’t embarrass the guest, especially in front of other people.
• Invite the problem guest to an area away from other guests, where you can talk.
• Deal with the situation in a calm, friendly way. Speak to the person directly, and firmly explain that what they are doing is unacceptable at your party.
• Listen and empathize with your guest.
For Female /Women guests, the hotels adopt certain extra security measures which are:
1) Mirrored walls of the guest room floor / corridor so that the female guest can
actually watch who is walking behind her.
2) Well-lit public areas like lobby, bars, swimming pool and parking place,
3) Valet parking services to avoid the need of a female guest to enter the
parking area where doubtful and suspicious people can be present.
4) Assigning rooms closer to the elevators.

Q. 24 Guest sometime expects the Front office staff to resolve or at least listen such kind of complaints which are unusual and hotel cannot do anything about them. Sometime guests demand something that simply is unwarranted or impossible to deliver.
1. Guest may complain about the absence of a swimming pool
2. Lack of public transportation Hotels generally have little or no control over the circumstances surrounding unusual complaints. Front office management should alert front desk agents that on occasions guest may complain about things the staff can do nothing about them. Through such orientation, staff will be better prepared to handle an unusual situation with the appropriate guest relations techniques and avoid a potentially difficult encounter.


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