CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL) for Class 10 Code X-L-02, Audio-2
Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL)
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Sample Audio Script of ASL for Class 10 as per CBSE Guidelines for 2015-2016 Session.
Listening Test – Summative Assessment – II
Class 10 Code X-L-02
Time: 45 min Max. Marks: 20
Audio Scripts and Answer Key
Task 1:
You will listen to someone talk about Waste Management and recycling. Read the sentences given in your worksheet then listen to the extract and complete these sentences with one or two words only. You will listen to the recording twice.
Waste management is the prevention, monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse and residual disposition of solid wastes. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics.
From the name itself one can guess about this, wealth from waste is nothing but making useful, and decorative items from the waste items and throw outs. It enhances creativity and saves money in preparing decorations and needs at our own desk. This can also reduce pollution because the things which are thrown away by us will be molded into useful and decorative items.
Recycling is a resource recovery practice that refers to the collection and reuse of waste materials such as empty beverage containers. The materials from which the items are made can be reprocessed into new products. Material for recycling may
be collected separately from general waste using dedicated bins and collection vehicles.
The recycling of complex products (such as computers and electronic equipment) is more difficult, due to the additional dismantling and separation required.
Task 2:
You will listen to a dialogue between a teacher and a student about improving spoken English. Read the questions given in your worksheet then listen to the dialogue. Choose five of the options A-H which are correct.
Teacher: Good morning Pooja! How are your English speaking classes going on?
Pooja: Good morning ma’am! Initially I had difficulty in picking up, but now I am quite comfortable. I feel English language is almost a prerequisite for success in the world today.
Teacher: Yes, most of us are comfortable with reading and writing. However we hesitate while speaking because we feel that we lack the fluency and may make grammatical mistakes.
Pooja: I am slightly afraid of speaking English in formal situations. I find it easier to switch over to my native language once I am in the company of my family and friends.
Teacher: There is no quick fix when it comes to improving your command over a particular language. It always requires a lot of time and effort.
Pooja: Yes ma’am. I would request you to give me some tips for success in achieving proficiency and fluency in English language.
Teacher: Definitely, I would give. First of all, decide among your friends that you will only talk in English with each other. This way you can get rid of hesitation and also have friends correct you when you are wrong.
Pooja: This will really help. How to start a conversation with strangers in English?
Teacher: That’s much easier. Since you do not know them personally, you will feel less conscious about what they would feel about you.
Pooja: I feel reading newspaper has also helped me. I concentrate on every word and note down the words I don’t understand and learn their meanings. I also try to use these words in sentences.
Teacher: That’s great. You should also maintain a diary to record the events of your day to practice the writing skills. Take your time to use new words and phrases when you write in your diary.
Pooja: I take out time to watch English movies and English shows on television. Initially, I used to read the sub-title to follow the conversation. Now I feel I am able to follow the conversation without reading the sub-titles.
Teacher: Another effective way is to record your voice and listen to it. You will notice hesitations and pauses. You may also notice that you make some grammatical mistakes while speaking that you do not make while writing. You must aim to improve and rectify these mistakes in subsequent recordings.
Pooja: I am so grateful to you for giving me these tips. I would try to improve myself. Thank you.
You will listen to 5 short extracts of people talking about ethics and values.
Read the statements below and then listen to the extracts. Then match each statement A-E to each speaker 1-5. There are two statements that you that you do not need. You will listen to the recording twice.
Speaker 1:
Values are the possessions that one believes are important in the way one lives and works. They determine our priorities, with the aim of determining what action of life is best to do or live. When the things that you do and the way you behave match with your values, life is usually good – you’re satisfied and content. But when these don’t align with your values, this can be a real source of unhappiness. That is why making a conscious effort to identify your values is important.
Speaker 2:
Ethics and values help create order in a society or community of individuals, as well as within oneself. One of the best ways of thinking about ethics is to take a quick look at what you believe and then how you would react when those beliefs are challenged. Your ethics govern your thought process so that when a problem arises or you need to try and work your way through a situation, your solution is based on your ethics.
Speaker 3:
Ethics address important question about morality, including concepts such as right and wrong, virtue and vice, and good and evil. Ethics cannot be confined by specific religious groups or laws. Ethics are also not based on what is acceptable by any one society. The foundation of ethics is based on standards that dictate what humans ought to do in terms of obligations, rights, fairness and virtues. Ethical standards include compassion, loyalty and honesty.
Speaker 4:
Values are the ideals, customs or institutions from which we make decisions about right and wrong. They also help weigh out what is important and useful when we need to choose between two options or decisions. Values are the belief of an individual or a social group in which there is emotional investment. Values form the crux of our character.
Speaker 5:
Although there are some similarities between ethics and values, there are also some notable differences, which are subtle. Ethics determine what ought to be and help decide what is consistent with someone’s own personal beliefs. Values are the principles and standards in which we judge worth. They lead us to take positions on social issues and guide the way we present ourselves to others. Both are important factors in shaping our opinions and our overall perceptions as individuals.
In general, a person’s ethics and values help her make decisions and form opinions about various topics and issues.
Task 4
You will listen to a speech about ‘Laughter’. Read the questions given in your worksheet, then listen to the extract and choose a or b or c for each question.
You will listen to the recording twice:
I am feeling extremely elated in welcoming all the eminent guests who have taken out time from their busy schedule and have graced the occasion with their presence. Today, I am going to talk about a very motivating topic: Laughter. Have you ever had that exhausted feeling after a good laugh? You know, the one where your side hurts, your eyes water, you can’t catch your breath and your body’s totally exhausted. It feels like you’ve just finished a two-hour session at the gym. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves – watching funny movies all the time won’t lead to perfect health. In fact, being a couch potato will do more harm than good.
We all know that a good sense of humour is one of the most important tools in your self-care kit. In fact, studies show that laughter affects both your body and your mind. Laughter is also readily available, free, has no side effects, and you don’t have to worry about overdosing. Moreover, it’s good for everyone around you too. And laughter can relieve stress, boost your immune system and even change your perspective on things.
Laughter and exercise may share more in common than you think — most notably, both can boost your health. Sure, you know about the infinite benefits of an active lifestyle, but did you know that laughter can support the immune system, improve blood pressure, stimulate the organs and reduce pain. Laughter increases the number of antibody-producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of killer T-cells. This means a stronger immune system, as well as fewer physical effects and immune suppression caused by stress. Laughter increases the production of natural painkillers, thereby improving our tolerance to pain. Laughter exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abs and even works out the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed afterwards. It even provides a good workout for the heart!
I strongly support humour as it gives us an entirely different perspective on our problems. By viewing a problem a little more light-heartedly, it becomes a challenge instead of a threat, and your body won’t react with a stress response. This gives us a sense of mastery and control over our environment, which helps us cope with adversity.
Laughter diverts our attention away from our negative feelings like guilt, anger, and stress. Laughter is contagious. If you laugh, people laugh with you, even if they don’t always know what you’re laughing about. It connects us to those around us, and can even be used to ease interpersonal tension – crack a joke during your next heated argument and see the tension melt away.
Let’s find out more ways in which laughter really is the best medicine!!
Answer Key
Task 1:
1. reduce
2. saves money
3. dedicated dustbins
4. electronic products
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. a
Listening Worksheet
CBSE: Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL)
Listening Test – Summative Assessment – II (2014)
Class X Code X-L-02
Time: 45 min Max. Marks: 20
Listening Test Worksheet
Task 1
You will listen to someone talk about Waste Management and recycling. Read the sentences below then listen to the extract and complete these sentences with one or two words only.
You will hear the recording twice.
1. The process of waste management helps ________________ the effect of solid wastes on health and environment.
2. Wealth from money not only enhances creativity but __________________ in preparing decorations.
3. Material for recycling may be collected separately using ________________ and collection vehicles.
4. The recycling of products such as computers and ________________________ is more difficult.
4 marks
Task 2
You will listen to a dialogue between a teacher and a student about improving spoken English. Read the questions below and then listen to the dialogue. Choose five of the options A-H which are correct. You will hear the recording twice:
A. The teacher feels English language is required for success in the world today.
B. Kunal is not very confident in speaking English in formal situations.
C. Kunal requested the teacher to give him some tips to improve English.
D. The teacher feels that talking to friends in English is easier than talking to the strangers.
E. While reading newspaper Kunal concentrates on every word and learn its meaning.
F. The teacher advised Kunal to maintain a diary for improving writing skills.
G. Kunal is not able to follow conversation in English movies without reading the sub-titles.
H. According to the teacher, Kunal must aim to improve and rectify the mistakes made in his voice recordings.
5 marks
Task 3
You will listen to 5 short extracts of people talking about ethics and values.
Read the statements below and then listen to the extracts. Then match each statement A to G to 1-5. There are two statements that you do not need. You will listen to the recording twice.
A. Ethics help deal with important questions about principles like right or wrong.
B. Values describe the significance of various actions.
C. Both ethics and values help in shaping our opinions.
D. For real happiness we must make conscious effort to identify our values.
E. Valuable actions can be regarded as ethically “good”.
F. Ethics govern our thought process and help in finding the solution of a problem.
G. Values are useful s they help to make a choice between two options.
5 marks
Task 4
You will listen to a speech about Laughter. Read the questions given below, then listen to the extract and choose a or b or c for each question.
You will listen to `the recording twice:
1. The speaker is very happy to welcome
a) his seniors.
b) the renowned guests
c) his collegues
2. The speaker says that laughter affects our:
a) heart and brain
b) health and physique
c) body and mind
3. According to the speaker, laughter is also:
a) essential to be positive
b) good for everyone around you
c) beneficial for the society
4. The speaker strongly feels that laughter supports:
a) the immune system and improve blood pressure
b) stimulate the organs and reduce pain
c) both the above
5. The speaker firmly supports humour as:
a) it gives us entirely different perspective on our problems.
b) we can change the challenges more confidently.
c) laughter is not at all contagious.
6. Laughter can be used to ease interpersonal tension as:
a) when a joke is cracked, it melts the tension away.
b) jokes are making people feel better in new situations.
c) jokes are the best medicine in stress.
I would like to download of Class X Set 1 code L-01 and starts with a conversation of 5 speakers on people talking about different cities
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