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CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Discussion on the topic of the ‘Future of English in India’ among certain friends”.

Discussion on the topic of the ‘Future of English in India’ among certain friends.

Conversation on the Topic “Future of English in India” for Class 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

Sarita: First of all, English as the medium of instruction was introduced in India by Lord William Bentick.

Sonia: Although the object of the Britishers in introducing the English language in India was quite selfish, yet there is no doubt that the Western system of education contributed greatly towards the advancement of India.

William: Raja Ram Mohan Roy, a famous Indian religious and social reformer was a great supporter of the English language.

Dimple: Nobody can deny the great part which country. The English language has played in the national life of our During the struggle for independence and education. the national movement, all our great leaders were English

Razia: The Britishers introduced the English language in India to produce a class of clerks, or ‘Babus’ whom they could employ on cheaper rates.

Rosie: But there is no doubt that the knowledge of English language enabled our leaders to cross swords with the foreign rulers in the legislatures and on the public platform in their own language.

Julie: Thus, during the freedom struggle English language played a very significant role as a link language among the different sections of Indian society belonging. to different regions and provinces.

Bharati: India has also become quite conversant with the advancement made by the western civilisation, science and culture through the English language only.

Francis: In fact, English is now no more the language of the English people, only.

Lehna Singh: You are right. It has now become an international language. It is a language which is understood in most countries of the world.

Sunder: Even those countries which never had any connection with England or English people are now learning this language very fast.

Ranjit Singh: In this regard, India is placed in a very fortunate position as most of the educated people here can understand English very well.

Sarita: English being one of the working languages. of the U.N.O., the English-knowing Indians have a very bright scope of getting jobs in the U.N.O. offices and agencies.

Sonia: You are correct. As a matter of fact, there are more Indians employed in the United Nations Organisation and in its agencies than their share.

William: This is all due to the advantage of knowing the English language which they possess. All advanced knowledge regarding science, technology, medicine, space research, the nuclear field etc. is enshrined in the English language.

Dimple: Thus, the English-knowing Indians are better equipped than people of many other countries to reap the fruits of this vast knowledge.

Razia: In this way, we see that English has a very important role to play in the national and international affairs of our country.

Rosie: It is also a very important link for forging. the national unity in India between the northern and southern states.

Sarita: Of course, from time to time a controversy is raised in India regarding the continued use of English language by the supporters of Hindi language.

Sonia: Some people say that with the ouster of English rule from India, English language should also be thrown out from our country. But they forget that language is not the monopoly of any nation.

William: In fact, a language is the common ownership of all the people who use it.

Dimple: In reality, English also belongs to the same Indo-European language family to which Sanskrit and Hindi belong.

Razia: Then where is the need for all this controversy?

Rosie: English has been in use in India for the last nearly 150 years, and it is not so easy to discard it, by the stroke of a pen.

Sarita: Of course, Hindi is our national language and nobody can challenge its claim as such but till sufficient books are published in this language, in science, medical and other technical subjects, English must continue as the medium of instruction in these subjects.

Sonia: Today thousands of foreign students are coming to India for higher learning because English is the medium of instructions here.

William: In reality, all the opposition to the continued use of the English language is only politically motivated. There is no real clash of interests between English and Hindi.

Dimple: In my opinion, both these languages can prosper and live together in harmony without harming each other.


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