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Paragraph on “How does a compass work?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How does a compass work? A magnet will always point north- south because it is attracted to the north and south magnetic poles of the earth. This property is used in the compass. A small needle – like magnet with its north and south poles marked is balanced on a pivot. The pivot is placed in the center of a card with all the directions or ‘points of the compass’ marked...
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Paragraph on “What are the poles of magnet?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

What are the poles of magnet? Two magnets are illustrated above. The one on the left is known as a horseshoe magnet and the one on the right is known as a bar magnet. If some small pieces of iron are put near either of these magnets most of them will cluster around the ends  of the magnet. This means that the magnetic effect is strongest at the ends. These are...
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Paragraph on “Who discovered the first magnet?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Who discovered the first magnet?   In about 600 BC a Greek called Thales found a rock which attracted bits of iron to it. He named this rock ‘magnets’ after the town Magnets where it was found. The rock he found was an iron ore but other substances act  in the same way. We call them magnets. Materials which are attracted to a magnet are said to be magnetic. Iron and...
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Paragraph on “How do fungi reproduce themselves?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How do fungi reproduce themselves? Under the top part of a mushroom or toadstool 9 the part called the cap) there are usually lots of thin, delicate folds called gills. Within the gills, millions of spores, which look like tiny specks of dust, are formed. When ripe, these spores drop from the gills and are carried away. Many land in places where they cannot grow into a new fungus, but those...
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Paragraph on “What are fungi?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

What are fungi? Fungi are plants, but they do not have the pigment called chlorophyll which makes the leaves, and often the stems, of other plants look green. Instead, fungi usually appear brown, red, gold or violet, like many of those shown here Green plants use chlorophyll to trap the energy which comes from sunlight,  and then  use this energy to combine water from the soil and a gas in the...
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Paragraph on “Why is the home of the Beaver so interesting?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Why is the home of the Beaver so interesting? The beaver, which lives in North America and northern Europe, has a skilful and elaborate way of damming up a stream or river in order to build a house that is partly under water. He does this because he has to make sure he has enough water to get into and out of his house easily when the water ices over in...
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Paragraph on “Which Mammal has a poison spur?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Which Mammal has a poison spur? The male duck – billed platypus, that lives in Australia, has!  It has five very strong  each of its four feet, but the back feet have an extra claw, which  can discharge poison. It is used when fighting. In fact the feet of these dark brown, oval shaped furry mammals  are very interesting altogether. They are webbed, for the purposes of swimming, and the web...
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