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Reference Letter ”Introduction of a Gentleman to a Family”

Introduction of a Gentleman to a Family My Dear Mr. Kashyap, Permit me to introduce to you and your excellent family my young friend, Mr. Gyan Prakash , who propose to become a resident of your city. I have known Mr. Gyan Prakash for many years. I know that you will find him an acquisition to your social circle and you may look upon me as his sponsor. Please commend me...
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Reference Letter ” Asking for Reference” English Letter Writing

Asking for Reference  Dear Mrs. Kumar, Lakshmi, whom I am considering for employment as a house-keeper, has given your name as a reference. Please let me know your opinion of her efficiency,  ability, and character. I shall appreciate any information you can give me. Thank you, Sincerely yours, Pushpa Sharma Reply to above Dear Mrs. Sharma, In reply to your letter of the 10th Sept. asking for opinion about Lakshmi. Lakshami...
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How to Write “References and Letters of Introduction” with Examples

References and Letters of Introduction Letters about people – introductions and references- present problems of delicacy, tact, and sometimes legal considerations. The letter of introduction serves to bring together people you are sure will find pleasure or profit in each other’s company. Such a letter is never lightly requested nor casually written. Unless you know both parties well and are sure that they have mutually  compatible interests and personalities, it is...
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English Letter of “Thanks Letter for Golden Guidance”

Thanks Letter for Golden Guidance Dear Naresh, I am very grateful to you for your correct guidance in my attitude of life. You have re-oriented my entire philosophical outlook and extended my life by ten years. But for your guidance I would have shuffled off the mortal coil last month and would never have lived to see the new day of the new year. That I am still alive. I entirely...
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English Letter for ”Thanks Letter for Help Heartiness with Reply”

Thanks Letter for Help Heartiness Dear Joy, How can I thank you for the few happy days spent in your garden house ? the picture of Meena dancing at dawn under the tree in front of my room every morning in quite indelibly etched on my hand. And what dosas she brought? What heavenly coffee? What paradisal  cocoa? My stay in your house in something never to be forgotten. Yours affectionately,...
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English Letter ” Thanks Letter for Gift Gratitude with Reply”

Thanks Letter for Gift Gratitude Dear Raju, I am very grateful to you for the Indian Saree you sent me as a New Year Gift. It was so unexpected ! So delicious ! All my sisters are in whirligig about your gift. How can I thank you ? I just can’t ! There is nothing in Japan which I can send you in exchange for a Banarsi Saree. I am sending...
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English Letter of “Thanks Letter for Introduction”

Thanks Letter for Introduction Dear Om Prakash, Accept my heartiest greetings for a happy new year. Thanks for your letter of November, 19th which I regret I could not reply earlier. I am thankful to Mr. A.N. Sharma for having introduced you to me.  I do not know how to thank you for you kind appreciation which I hardly deserve. Your date of birth, 4.10.200.. Time : 10.30 P.M. In 200…...
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