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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Nature and Space Science” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 7

Facts of Nature & Space – 7 151. The awesome Himalayan rage of mountains is the only one is the world towering above 7,000 meters. 152. The height of Mount Everest, the highest mountain peak in the world, is 8, 872 meters. Formerly, it was measured as 8,848 meters. In 1987, this was disputed, with claim that the peak of K2 was higher. Satellite picture of the Mount Proved that it...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Nature and Space Science” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 6

Facts of Nature & Space – 6 141. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is made up of whirling gasses and is always covered with clouds. The planet has the most powerful radio waves. 142. Uranus is greenish in colour and contains methane gas. It is mainly composed of hydrogen and ice. 143. Neptune is the windiest planet in the solar system. It has eight satellites and...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Nature and Space Science” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 5

Facts of Nature & Space – 5 131. In England, vraic is a seaweed used for fuel and as a fertilizer. It is found in the Channel Islands. 132. The entire plant life on earth absorbs around 3,960 crore tons of carbon dioxide per year and converts it into about 2702 crore tons of carbohydrate. 133. Of all the potatoes grown in the United States of America, only eight per cent...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Nature and Space Science” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 4

Facts of Nature & Space – 4 121. A certain flower found in the jungles of Africa changes its colour seven times in one minute. It is locally known as the ‘rainbow’. 122. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. 123. An astronaut cannot eat beans before going into space because passing wind in a space suit could damage. It. 124. An astronaut cannot shed tears in space even...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Nature and Space Science” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 3

Facts of Nature & Space – 3 111. The lettuce contains phosphorous, lime, potash and vitamins A, B and C, besides iron. 112. The fig contains vitamin B, potash, sodium, lime, phosphorous and magnesium. It serves as a toxic and a laxative. 113. The banana is rich in protein, carbohydrates and vitamin B. 114. The vanilla flavour is obtained from the unripe fruit of a tall fragrant plant called vanilla plan...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Nature and Space Science” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 1

Facts of Nature & Space – 1 91. Almonds are members of the peach family. 92. A fresh egg will sink in water, but a stale egg won’t. 93. There is a hill in South Australia called Ayers Rock that changes its colour every day and in every season. 94. Plants watered with warm water grow larger and more quickly than plants watered with cold water. 95. Fungi and bacteria usually...
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