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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 16

Facts of The World – 16 801. The banana is indigenous to the warm, moist parts of North- Eastern India , Burma and other South- East Asian countries. After a banana plant has borne fruit, it withers and another one grows right next to it rising from the underground stem called the sucker. Hindus consider the banana plant to be auspicious and during religious ceremonies and festivals, a pair of entire...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 14

Facts of The World – 14 791. The river Ganga which rises in the Himalayan Uttaranchal and flows about 2,500 kilometers, serves the largest cultivable area. 792. Rima Dutta was the first woman to receive the Arjuna award in aquatics. 793. Om Agarwal was the first Indian to win the world Amateur snooker championship. 794. Every year some50 million cars are added to the world’s roads, making car- manufacture the largest...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 13

Facts of The World – 13 781. ‘March’ comes from the Roman month of Maritus and is named after Mars, the god of war. 782. The word ‘April’ come from the Roman month Aprils and is possibly derived either from Aphrodite, the Greek equivalent of the Roman Goddess Venus, or from the Latin ‘aperire’, which means ‘to open’, in reference to the blossoming of spring. 783. ‘May’ comes from the Roman...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 12

Facts of The World – 12 771. The Beating the Retreat revives an ancient military custom when drummers were sent through the streets just before sunset to warn the troops to return to the barracks before the flag was brought down for the night. 772. ‘Sunday’ is named after the sun. 773. ‘Monday’ is named after the moon. 774. ‘Tuesday’ is named after Tiw (or ‘Tiu’ ), the Anglo – Saxon...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 9

Facts of The World – 9 741. The 21st verse of the Seventh book of ‘Ezra’ in the Bible contains every letter of the English alphabet, except ‘J’. 742. ‘Happy Birthday to you’, the most popular song in the world, was originally written by Mildred and Patty Hill, two school teachers who lived in Louisville, Kentucky (USA). It first went on air as ‘Good Morning America’ in 1893. In 11935, with...
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