Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ Problems in Economics ” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 16
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Sir, I thank the hon. President for his Address outlining the Government’s hope for the next five years. Beyond doubt/ it was an excellent speech made by the honourable President. In fact, the beauty of democracy was reflected in this/ speech again and again when he said ‘my Government’ through it is led by NDA. I feel very happy about/ all the promises made by the Government.
Sir, taking about elimination of poverty, historically, post-independence, successive governments have always/ measured poverty or the poverty line as a percentage , without giving any credence to the increase in our population. That (100) always gave us wrong signals. Hence ,I feel that the poverty elimination is a most welcome subject . I am confident /that the numerous measures that they have adopted already would improve the standard of living of the common people . This /would automatically eliminate poverty. Particularly , when economic growth takes place , it would generate employment and that would definitely eliminate poverty ./ The focus on healthcare , education and employment , Particularly in the manufacturing industry , would also help. So ,all these are welcome/ initiatives , As we are all aware , unfortunately ,the last two terms led by the UPA Government have seen a downturn (200) in our country `s economic situation . in 2004, when they came into power after the NDA Government `s rule ,India was about /to become a super power, whereas the two successive Government led by UPA brought us down from a super power/ to ‘zero power’ ,in such a situation, my party feels that all the initiatives takes by this Government give out/ a lot of hope and confidence that three would be economic reforms and growth.
Sir, there is a mention about / improving the quality of life in our villages through an empowered Panchayati Raj system .At this hour, I would like (300) to remember our founder Party President and the then Chief Minister, Shri N.T. Rama Rao. In fact, he had /abolished the patel patwari system and introduced the Mandal system that encouraged decentralization of powers , which is close to the /common public and through which village were empowerd to collect taxes, use them and manage the Budget by themselves . this /initiative would defiritely help oue rural India to grow extremely well.
Sir, increase in investments in agriculture sector, both public /and private ,especially agri-infrastructure ,has been mentioned . It is a long – pending issue. Majority of our country `s population is (400) dependent on agriculture. Despite Knowing.