Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Solved Precis Exercise “Machines as Extra Human Limbs” 175 Words Precis for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Exam.

Solved Precis Exercise “Machines as Extra Human Limbs” 175 Words Precis for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Exam.

Now at first sight it might seem as if modern human beings who spend so much time getting help from machines are very lazy. What are the machines for but to save people trouble? They are extra limbs which men have made outside themselves to do their many works for them. Cranes and lifts are extra arms to do the job of lifting. Trains and motors are extra legs to do the job of walking and running. Typewriters and printing machines are extra brains to save us the trouble of remembering. We have even invented for ourselves new kinds of limbs and made aeroplane to take the place of the wings we have not got. And yet it is difficult to suppose that men would have gone to all the bother of inventing these complicated machines to serve as their extra limbs merely because they were lazy, that they would have taken all this trouble merely to save them-selves trouble. And in fact man is not lazy: he is the most restless and energetic of all living creatures.

(Words: 175)


Machines are great time-saving devices invented by man. They act as extra limbs of man. Cranes and lifts are substitutes for arms, trains and motors for legs and printing machines for brain. The aero-planes give him wings. This does not, how-ever, mean that man is a lazy creature. Of all the creatures, he is the most restless and energetic.

Words in the Original passage = 174

Words in the Precis = 60

Title: Machines as Extra Human Limbs.


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