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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Erwin Rommel” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Erwin Rommel


Germany : Renowned General of World War II

Birth : 1891 Death : 1944

Erwin Rommel was one of the most capable generals who fought during the Second World War. He earned the admiration and respect of both his own men and opponents. He made his full contribution in Hitler’s early victories over France and Poland. His greatest achievement in the battlefield which made him so famous was his successful commanding of the German and Italian troops in the North African deserts in the middle of the Second World War. Rommel became successful in pushing the British Eighth Army back to El Alamein in Egypt and recaptured Tobruk in 1942. This sensational victory brought great credit to Rommel. His success in the desert warfare earned him the title -of ‘The Desert Fox’, and in 1942, he was elevated to the rank of Field Marshal. In November 1942, however, his troops were defeated at El Alamein by the strongly reinforced British Eighth Army under the command of Field Marshal Montgomery. The German troops were forced out of Egypt, and Libya and were driven back a long way. At this point he was called again from Africa for duties in Germany.

The last phase of Rommel’s career came when he was sent to face the Allied invasion of France in 1944. In July 1944, when Rommel was on a visit to the front in France, he was severely injured by British fighter planes. So he was sent home to recover. When he recovered, Hitler’s  agents informed him that a conspiracy to kill Hitler involving him was discovered. The charge was true because he was opposed to Hitler’s wrong policies. Rommel was given the choice of death before a firing squad or suicide. He chose suicide and on 14th October 1944, was taken from his home by car and handed some poison to swallow.

Rommel was born into a teachers’ family. He was very courageous and liked to perform deeds of bravery. After finishing education he, joined army and rose to become the Field Marshal by dint of his ability. As a capable general Rommel ‘s name will always be remembered for his bravery and brilliant achievements.


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