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Essay on “The Story of Man” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Story of Man

It is said that man emerged as such distinct from other animals some ten lakh years ago. Then his shape was different. In almost the present human form he is said to have emerged some ten thousand years ago only. But evidence is there that in Australia man lived even more than fifty thousand years ago.

It is now generally accepted that the earliest man perhaps first appeared in Africa. It appears there had been great many times migration from one country to the other and even from one continent or region of the world to the other on a mass scale. It was large-scale exodus. Most of it was probably necessitated for food and, may be, safety and security from natural calamities,’ inclemencies of weather, change in environment, wild beasts and even from other inimical tribes or an internecine %val. between the members of the same tribe.

The early men moved about in groups in search of food. They remained and tried to settle near rivers and other sources of water as there they could get green plants and did not have to carry water to lay off places for which they probably didn’t have much means.

These people had mostly to live on wild fruits, e.g. herbs and roots and flesh of animals. At first they could not even hunt as they had no tools and weapons for die purpose. It is said that in the Australian waters there were a kind of fish which had a hole in the head through which they breathed. The early men put their finger into the hole and blocked the air passage and thus the fish died as it could not breathe and then the men ate it.

Later man invented new and improved methods of hunting. They also discovered tire and agriculture. They began to build huts and moved out of caves and valleys and tree shelters. They began to find means of protection against wild animals.

Still later, early men started domesticating certain animals for carrying loads. With the discovery of wheel, the means of transport were revolutionised

Man’s implements, tools and weapons also changed from clay, stone, wood, copper and then iron. Civilization kept progressing till it reached the modern level.   


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