Paragraph on “The Changing Seasons” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
The Changing Seasons
The Earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution around the Sun, a tilt of 23.5° in its axis results in the poles pointing towards or away from the Sun and reversing their position once every three months. It also results in the Sun’s rays falling unevenly on different parts of the Earth thus giving us different seasons. In the month of March the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun so we have ‘Spring’ in the northern hemisphere and ‘Autumn’ in the southern and in September these seasons get reversed because the Southern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. In June the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun so we have `Summer’ in the north and ‘Winter’ in the south. In December the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun so the seasons get reversed in this period.