Paragraph on “Do any people today live in the same kind of houses as their ancestors?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
Do any people today live in the same kind of houses as their ancestors ?
There are many parts of the world where primitive man, living a tribal life, did not develop in areas of science, literature and discovery, that is, he remained uncivilised.
And later, not touched by technology, he felt no need to change. But he firmly established through essential crafts, arts and customs, his culture, that is, his style of living.
As a part of their culture, the Bantu tribes of southern Africa came to build cleverly constructed houses of grass, reeds and branches ; and the Bedouin people of the desert regions of northern Africa, portable tents of woven cloth and animal hair, suitable for their nomadic life. These homes are built in exactly the same style as their ancestors. On the fringes of the cold Arctic Ocean, the Samoyed people still make tents of reindeer skins and birch bark. These are portable, enabling the Samoyed to camp each spring anywhere on the Tundra where their reindeer herds roam. Even today some Eskimos in Alaska still live in igloos — snow huts made of blocks of ice. Mexican natives build adobe huts, made of slabs of mud and Australian Aborigines build shelters of a circle of sticks, covered in by a low roof of intertwining eucalyptus branches or bark.
The architecture of the dwellings of these people and others, arose from a traditional way of life, and so their houses remain exactly the same today as they were many centuries ago.