Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » 10 Lines on “The Person I Dislike Most” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Exam Latest Format.

10 Lines on “The Person I Dislike Most” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Exam Latest Format.

The Person I Dislike Most – 10 Lines

1. We like some persons and dislike some. We like someone the most.
2. Similarly, the person I dislike the most is my next-door neighbour’s son.
3. He is a very selfish boy. He has no interest in studies.
4. He is a vagabond. He is found of listening to music and that too at a high pitch.
5. He disturbs me with his loud music. I requested him several times to lower the volume of his two-in-one but to no effect.
6. He comes to my house to trouble me. I don’t want to meet him.
7. Still, he comes to disturb me and waste my time. I always try to find excuses to avoid meeting him.
8. He is a discard from his school. He is disliked by all the people of our locality.
9. He is an object of nuisance. Good advice has no effect on him. He is an incorrigible boy.
10. I ask my father to sell the house and buy another one in a good locality away from this rogue. May God fulfill my Wish soon!


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