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Write a letter to a national daily bringing out the ills of dowry and the need to eradicate it.

Write a letter to a national daily bringing out the ills of dowry and the need to eradicate it.

M-114, Mall Road


6th October, 20xx


The Editor

Times of India

Sub: Rising cases of dowry


I write with reference to the news item in your esteemed daily about a recent case of dowry death.

The evil of dowry has marred several lives. It has assumed an alarming proportion in these days of soaring prices. The Dowry system is a curse. Today, no marriage is considered to be complete unless it is followed by a large dowry.

It is even more disheartening to note that the system is no less prevalent in the educated classes. Education is expected to make man moral and progressive, but this doesn’t seem to hold true of the many educated people in India who shamelessly stoop to demanding dowry.

The evil practice of dowry has given rise to many social ills. This cruel practice must be done away with. Boys and girls should come forward and take a vow not to take or give dowry, Mothers should be discouraged from giving dowry. Much should not be spent on marriages, Day-marriages should be popularized. The number of guests should be limited. Strict action should be taken against the defaulters.

I request you to give a wide publicity to this view of mine.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully



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