Write a Letter Mother to Daughter with Reply, Family Letter
Letter Mother to Daughter
Dear Minny,
You know that you have great responsibilities , because we are passing through very difficult time both in the domestic and the national front. Life is particularly more difficult for girls than for boys and you have to be especially careful and particularly cautious in dealing with world, particularly the strangers.
You need hardly be told that crime is rising in the world and gold attracts the greatest criminate as magnet fascinates the iron. Therefore, those girls who move about with ornaments, are their own worst enemies. Therefore, avoid wearing ornaments whether by day or by night. There are gold- snatchers everywhere, even in New York, and the girls wearing ornaments and Jewellery often invite their own death, not to think of sexual molestation. Even artificial ornaments can be dangerous because anti-social element cannot distinguish between genuine and spurious jewellery when they victimize and prey upon innocent girls and women.
Make it a rule of your life, never to go out in the dark alone. Keep within your doors from sunset to sunrise, when drunkards and criminals are making merry everywhere. Between sunrise and sunset, you should move carefully and with some escort if possible.
You have even to be carefully about the escort, because it is not possible to distinguish between good and bad people , those who are reliable and those who are not, and your future to a large extent depends on the choice of your friends. It is not possible to guide you on the kind of friends, boy and girls, you should have , but they should rather belong to good respectable families and you study them as you develop more and more confidence in them. Do not give a boy a longer rope than he is fit for. On the whole , you find that the students who are devoted to social entertainments. Lovers of studies and sports are usually good and dependable. Those who spend their time in films, television, clubs and hotels form an undesirable lot who should be evaded and avoided.
I hope you understand.
Reply to above
Dear Mummy,
Thanks for your letter… full of useful advice , which I shall try to follow as much as possible in the present day world.
I do not know that I can go all the way by your advice , but I will certainly go as far as it may be possible.
I realize that we are passing through very critical times but escapism is no answer to social questions. We have to take spot decisions on every problem that arise, while avoiding exigencies beforehand all the way.
I hope you will agree with the great psychiatrist Alfred Adler, who said in what life should mean to you.
“ All failures ….. neurotic, psychotics, criminals drunkards , problem children, suicides, perverts and prostitutes …. Are failures because they are lacking in social interest.”
So I hope you will not like me to be lacking in social interest. Will you?
With love to everybody,