Write a circular for funds to be raised for the families of soldiers killed during the Kargil War.
Write a circular for funds to be raised for the families of soldiers killed during the Kargil War.
Help the Martyrs Trust
102, C scheme Ambala
Circular Ref. No. ………. Date ………
Dear Sir/Madam
As you are well aware that many of our soldiers laid down their lives in protecting and safeguarding our territory during the Kargil War. They died so that we may live peacefully and respectfully. Whatever we can do for the families of these martyrs will just be a token our gratitude in honour of these martyrs. You have been kind enough to support whole heartedly in such a cause in the past, and we expect your support again this time in the name of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our beloved motherland. May I appeal to you to donate generously and whole heartedly for this noble cause? The trust has set a goal to help each and every war widow with Rs. One Lakh at least.
I expect your generous support and donations as a token of your gratitude towards the families of the martyrs.
Manav Tripurai
Honorary Secretary
‘Help the Martyrs Trust’