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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Choose one Modern or Historical Person you most Admire and Justify Your Choice”.

Choose one Modern or Historical Person you most Admire and Justify Your Choice. Sir Winston Churchill, 1874 to 1965 (I think!). At any rate, I was stationed at Woolwich when the great man died, and the Royal Artillery had the task of organizing the funeral at St Paul’s Cathedral. It was called ‘Exercise Hope-Not’ and it went into action at once, proving to be the greatest state funeral of the century,...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “’Mathematics is the most Perfect Language of all’, Discuss.

‘Mathematics is the most Perfect Language of all’, Discuss. Strictly speaking, a language is a verbalized means of communication, enabling the speaker to convey thought to another person. However, the more complex the thoughts or ideas, the harder or more cumbersome the language becomes. To explain verbally why ‘the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle equals the sum of the squares on the other two sides’ would require a...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Write a Critical Review of a Book, Play or Film which you have Read or Seen”.

Write a Critical Review of a Book, Play or Film which you have Read or Seen.   Just as he uses the French Revolution as the catalyst to resolve the relationships and destinies of his characters in ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, Charles Dickens uses the Gordon Riots to the same effect in Barnaby Rudge, his other historical novel. Inspired by the eccentric peer, Lord Gordon, the London mob carried out...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on ‘Television will Eventually be the Death of Sport’. Do you Agree?

‘Television will Eventually be the Death of Sport’. Do you Agree?   The word sport covers a multitude of activities, ranging from athletics to the field sports, hunting, shooting and fishing; from rowing to equestrian events, from boxing to hockey and soccer. To assert that TV will kill these off is obvious nonsense. With or without TV, the instinct to pursue these activities will remain. Sport enhances health, builds muscle, satisfies...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “In what Ways can Science Assist in the Detection of Crime?”

In what Ways can Science Assist in the Detection of Crime?   Much to his housekeeper’s disgust, the great fictional detective Sherlock Holmes carried out scientific experiments in his Baker Street rooms in the cause of solving crimes. Since his day, science has played an increasingly important part in both the detection and the proof of crime. Technology, the derivative of science, is used by most countries’ police forces today and...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What Scientific or Technological Advances have most Affected Modern Life in Your Country?”

What Scientific or Technological Advances have most Affected Modern Life in Your Country? Genetic research has made rapid strides over the past few years. The analysis of genes has had a practical effect on human medicine as well as on animal and plant life. Tendencies to physical and mental handicap can be detected at the pre-embryo stage, i.e. during the first fourteen days after conception. Manipulation and very early abortion are...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Do you Think that there is any need for Change in the Education System in Your Country?”

Do you Think that there is any need for Change in the Education System in Your Country?   This essay examines the current situation in England and will, if at all, apply only in part to other countries. Educational tradition and emphasis vary widely, but the fact remains that whereas Eastern and some Western countries are producing young people well-trained for key employment and well-suited to modern life, England is, in...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What are the Qualities of a Good Teacher?”

What are the Qualities of a Good Teacher?   Every student has his or her favorite teacher, but that teacher may not be the best qualified person on the teaching staff. In other words, although the mastery of the subject or subjects taught, plus an enthusiastic approach, is an essential prerequisite in a teacher, it is far from being the only qualification. There are some who know their subjects but totally...
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