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Civil Services Interview example for candidates.

Civil Services Interview Example Candidate: Good Morning to you all, Sirs. Chairman:  Good Morning, Mr. Jugal Kishore, please take your seat. Candidate: Thank you sir (after taking the seat) Chairman:  Which newspaper do you read Mr. Kishore ? Candidate: The Hindustan Times, Sir. Chairman:  Which States comprise the Northern Zone ? Candidate: Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi and Himachal Pradesh. Chairman:  The Western Zone ? Candidate: The States of Maharashtra,...
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General Introductions for Civil Service Interview with Interview example

Civil Service Interview INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE General Introduction Many brilliant candidates prefer the Indian Administrative Service to other services like the IFS and the IPS. It offers a diversity of assignments and challenges with a measure of responsibility. After all, there is no place like home ! Indian Administrative Service attracts the most brilliant and ambitious candidates from all over the country. The interview for this service is thus quite important....
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How to Success in the UPSC Interviews, Some Suggestions, Obvious Qualities

Success in the UPSC Interviews Every year the interviewers have reported their disappointing experience of the abilities of a majority of the candidates. There are good grounds for this complaint. Most of the candidates appear before the Interview Board without any experience, with little guidance, and lacking in suitable qualifications and qualities. Most candidates never get an opportunity of meeting before-hand the right people and they somehow fight shy even of...
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Civil Services Interview and Examination Guidelines for Prelims Exam and Mains Exam

Public Service Interviews Of all the interviews under discussion in this book those which are held by one or other of the statutory Commissions—the Union Public Service Commission or any of the State Public Service Commissions are perhaps the most important so far as a large number of young men and young women in India are concerned. Civil Services Civil Services are the backbone of Indian administrative system. Formulation of policies...
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Top 5 Press Interview Questions for the Candidates with Intelligent Plan

Preparing for the Press Interview It is always proper to go prepared for a press interview with a brief list of questions written down on paper. The interviewer’s first task is to secure facts about the earlier career of the subject which may throw light on the later course of his career. It will scarcely be useful to ask questions about the date of birth, place of birth and education, unless...
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How to Give, Handle “Press Interview” complete guide for Press Interview with Types of Press Interviews for candidates

Press Interview Introduction The importance of the press interview can hardly be exaggerated. Emil Ludwig remarks: “Of all forms of journalism, the interview is perhaps the most polished and most entertaining. The average newspaper reader might think that it is nothing more than a record of conversation, but in reality the interview demands a great deal of skill and certain definite qualities on the part of the interviewer.” It is through...
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Useful Tips for “Social and Political Interviews”, Different Kinds of Social Interviews for Candidates.

Social and Political Interviews Introduction Social interview is somewhat altruistic in character. It is between persons who have a more informal approach enabling either to discuss matters of concern to societies or associations in which they are severally interested, or may be to solicit some form of patronage for a particular object or person. Qualifies Necessary The essentials for an interview of this kind are sincerity, absence of boastfulness, self-effacement and...
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Top Questions and Answers for “Model Departmental Interview” and “Model Non-Official Interview” for Candidates.

Model Departmental Interview Q.1. Do you find your work interesting ? Q.2. Do you feel it is too difficult for you and that you would require help ? Q.3. Don’t you think you should take no leave as it seems that your work is suffering ? Q.4. Would you care to go on tour to find out certain information required by the office ? Q.5. Would you like me to do...
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