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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “The Objectives of UNESCO” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Higher classes.

Passages with Solved Precis

I am here to add, on behalf of our Government and our people, to the many welcomes you have had already. It has been stated that the meeting of this general conference of the UNESCO in Delhi has a certain special significance. It is a tribute, if I may say so, to the importance that is now attached by this great organization to the countries of Asia.

But there is yet another significance to this conference which was not realized when this date and venue were chosen. We meet at a moment when we can hear again the dread tramp of armed men and the thunder of the bombs hurled from the skies to destroy men and cities below. Because of this, there is perhaps a measure of unreality about your discussions which have nothing to do with this deep crises of the moment. But these very developments force reality upon us and mould our thinking.

Soon after the last Great War ended, and as a result of the war and the hunger for peace of the peoples of the world, the United Nations Organization came into being. The General assembly of the United Nations came to represent the mind of the world community and its desire for peace.

If the General Assembly mainly faced the political problem of the world, its specialized agencies were charged with work of equal if not greater importance in the economic, educational, scientific and cultural spheres. Man does not live by the politics alone; nor indeed, wholly by economics. So the UNESCO came to represent something that was vital to human existence and progress. Even in the U.N. General Assembly represented the political will of the world community, the UNESCO tried to represent the finer and the deeper sides of human life and indeed might be said to represent the conscience of the world community.

A peace based exclusively upon the political and economic arrangements of Governments would not be a peace which would secure the unanimous, lasting and sincere support of the people of the world. Peace must, therefore, be founded upon the intellectual and more solidarity of mankind.

The UNESCO has considerable achievement to its credit during its ten years of existence and yet after these then years what do we find? Violence and hatred still dominate the world. The doctrine of the inequality of men and races is still preached and practised, the democratic principles of dignity, equality and mutual respect are denied or ignored; some countries, dominate over others and hold their people in subjection, denying them freedom and the right to grow, and armed might is used to suppress the freedom of countries. The UNESCO does not concern itself with political questions and it would not be right for us to raise them in this gathering. But the UNESCO is intimately concerned with the dignity of man and the vital importance of freedom.

We see today in Egypt as well as in Hungary both human dignity and freedom outraged and the force of modem arms used to suppress peoples and to gain political objectives, Old colonial methods, which we fad thought, in our ignorance, belonged to a more enlightened age, are revived and practised. In other parts of the world also, movements for freedom are crushed by superior might.

It is true that the atomic and hydrogen bombs have not thus far been used. But who can confidently say that will not be used? The Preamble of the UNESCO Constitution says that wars begin in the minds of men.  We have been living through a period of ‘cold war’ which has now broken out into open and violent warfare. If we have closed the minds of men with thoughts of ‘cold war’ can we be surprised at its inevitable result?

You will forgive me if I speak some feeling. I would be untrue to myself and to this distinguished gathering if I did not refer to something which has moved us deeply and which must be in the minds of all of us here. We use brave phrases to impress ourselves and others. But our actions believe those noble sentiments. And so we live in a world of unreality where profession has little to do with practice. When the practice imperils the entire future of the world, then it is time that we come back to reality in our thinking and in our action. At present it would appear that great countries think that the only reality is force and violence and that fine phrases are’ merely the apparatus of diplomacy. This is a matter which concerns all of us, whichever quarter of the world we may live in. But, in a sense, it concerns us in Asia and Africa more perhaps than in other countries, for some of our countries have recently emerged into freedom and independence and we cherish these ideals with all our strength and passion. We have bitter memories of the past, when we were prevented from growing and we can never permit a return to that past age. And yet we find an attempt made to reverse the current of history and of human development. We find that all our efforts at progress might well be set at naught by the ambitions and conflicts of other peoples. Are we not to feel deeply when our life’s work is imperilled and our hopes and dreams shattered?

Many of the countries in Asia laid down a set of five principles; which we have called `Panch Shila’ for the governance of international relations and for peaceful co-existence of nations without interference with each other, so that each nation and people might grow according to their own genius and in co-operation with others. These five principles are in full conformity with the noble ideals of the UNESCO Constitution. We see now that those five principles are also mere words without meaning to some countries which claim the right of deciding problems by superior might.

I have called this great assembly the conscience of world community. The problems we have to face, many and complicated as they are, will never be solved except on the basis of good morals and conscience. It is for this reason that I beg of you, distinguished delegates from the nations of the world, to pay heed to this collapse of conscience and good work you have done will be shattered into nothingness.

May I venture to point out to you also that a world organization like this cannot be properly constituted or function adequately if a large section of the world remains unrepresented here? I hope that three countries, which have recently attained their independence—Sudan, Tunisia and Morocco will find a place soon in this Organization to share the burdens and responsibilities of its labours. But I would especially refer to the People’s Government of china and the six hundred million people who live in that great country, who have so far not been represented here.

The countries of Europe and America are fortunate in some ways for they have attained a measure of well-being. We, in Asia and Africa, still lack the primary necessities of life. To obtain these, therefore, becomes our first task. And we cannot: co so with war and violence in the world. I earnestly trust, therefore, that you will turn your minds more to the needs of these underdeveloped countries of the world, which hunger for bread, and education, and health, but which, above all, cherish freedom and will not part with it at any price.

Our country of India is a large one and our population is considerable. We have no desire to interfere with any other country. We have no hatred and we have been nurtured under inspiring guidance of our great leader, Mahatma Gandhi, in the ways of peace. We want to be friends with all the world. We know our own failings and seek to overcome them so that we might be of service to our own people and to the world.

I have spoken to you out or my heart, but i have done so with all humility, for I know that we have men and women of wisdom and long experience here and it is not for me to tell you what you should do and what you should not do. But since it is one of the objectives of the UNESCO to have a free exchange of ideas in the unrestricted pursuit of objective truth, I have ventured to place before you some of the thoughts I have in mind.

I welcome you, distinguished delegates, again and I Earnestly trust that your labours will take you and the world some way towards the realization of the ideals which you have enshrined in your constitution.

( Words – 1464)


The Objectives of UNESCO

Welcoming the delegates to the UNESCO Conference in Delhi, the speaker said that the choice of Delhi as the venue was an indication of the importance attached by the UNESCO to the Asian countries. The Conference was being held at a time when a war going on and, therefore, this fact was bound to influence the thoughts of delegates.

The United Nations Organizations was founded after World War II to establish peace. Its General Assembly tackled the political problems of the World while the specialized agencies like the UNESCO deal with economic, educational, scientific and cultural problems which are more important. Peace secured through political arrangements is not lasting era’, therefore, must be based on the moral and intellectual solidarity of mankind. This is the function of UNESCO.

The UNESCO has achieved much during the last ten years but still there is great discontent in the world. There is inequality and oppression. Some countries dominate over others enc.,’ democratic principles are completely ignored. Force is used to suppress popular movements as has happened in Egypt and Hungary. In such a state of unrest the atomic and hydrogen bombs may be used at any time.

The professions of some countries are at variance with their actions. They swear by democratic principles but use force and violence in their dealings with weaker countries. Some countries of Asia and Africa have recently become free and now efforts are being made to subjugate them. With their bitter experiences in the past and bitter memories, these countries are bound to resist attempts at their subjugation.

Many Asian countries have laid down the five principles of Panch Shila for the governance of international relations so that each country should be able to develop according to its own genius. Certain other countries with their faith in brute force cannot understand this Panch shila.

This great Assembly which represents the conscience of the world community should try to rehabilitate the moral values.

The UNESCO is not adequately representative of the whole world because countries like Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and much more important than these, the People’s Government of China are not represented on it.

The countries of Europe and America have gained prosperity but countries of Asia and Africa are still poor. The Conference should devote more attention to the problems of the underdeveloped countries.


( Words –  391)


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