Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Hindi as Medium of Higher Education” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Hindi as Medium of Higher Education” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

While Hindi is expected to be the official language for all-India use, it is forgotten that it is only an all-India medium of higher education hat can appropriately be such a language. For various reasons the universities have found it difficult to accept Hindi as the medium of higher education. The difficulty is accentuated by an unplanned and uncoordinated effort at displacing English. Some of the universities in the Hindi-speaking States have started a sudden switch over to the Hindi. On the other hand, some universities in non Hindi States have to substitute English by the regional language.

There is no denying the fact that English has continued to be the Indian medium in matters of higher knowledge at an intellectual level. But in those universities where English is discarded as the medium, students find it difficult to understand the English text books or lectures delivered in that language. The English that they acquire is generally based on ill-digested guides in an Indian language, on English summaries which they never understand properly. As a result, while there has been deterioration in the standard of English acquired at the university stage, mastery acquired over Hindi is of a very limited character, literary and ornamental, rather than precise and flexible.

Let us face an unpleasant fact. If swayed by sentiment we forego the use of English, a language of power which has built up standards of scholarship and efficiency in India, it will not help anyone; nor will it serve the cause of Hindi. Unless Hindi becomes, in some measure, a more powerful instrument of expression in the hands of educated men, at least for a generation, it cannot replace English as an all Indian medium of power.

If English is replaced by Hindi rapidly, a wide linguistic gulf will open between the Hindi and non-Hindi States. A new linguism will rise in the country; the development of Hindi itself will be retarded and its ultimate acceptance as the national language will be delayed. For the sake of Hindi itself we should guard against the possibility of a new lingnuism in the country.

If Hindi has some day to replace English, both English and Hindi should be accepted as the media of higher education in every State in the country. The regionalism will tend to give place to nationalism. There will be nationwide scope for graduates of all universities; and administration will be non-regional in its outlook, and contracts and exchange between scholars and teachers will continue as before.

We should, however, go forward to use Hindi in whatever way we can and to the extent to which it can serve our purpose; to absorb appropriate words from whatever source they come; to develop new shades of meaning required for modern purposes by constant contact with English; to draw inspiration from Sanskrit so that the genius of Hindi may not suffer, and, above all, not lose the freshness of the spoken language by failing to absorb the living elements of popular speech.

(500 words)


Title :- Hindi as Medium of Higher Education

It is only an all-India medium of higher education that can be expected to be the official language on a national basis. At present is an unplanned and uncoordinated effort at displacing English, and installing Hindi in its place.

It is an undeniable fact that English has continued to be the medium natters of higher knowledge and intercourse in India.

If English is replaced by Hindi rapidly a wide linguistic gulf will be created between Hindi and non-Hindi States to the detriment of Hindi being accepted as the national language.

Both English and Hindi should be accepted as the media of higher education in every state of the country.

It should be our endeavour to popularize Hindi by absorbing appropriate words from different sources and developing new shades of meaning by constant contact with English, and drawing inspiration from Sanskrit

(166 words)


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