Shorthand Dictation 100 Words per minute, “Regional Language Speech”Test 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter 20
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Madam vice – Chairman, I am extremely sorry that last time when this Bill was discussed, / unfortunately I was not here. However, I have gone through the speeches which hon. Members // had made on that day including the intervention of the Minister. The Home Minister’s intervention was /// highly disappointing.
Now, Madam, I wish to deal with some of the points that have (1) been made in the course of the speeches on my Bill. Many of them agreed / that all the regional languages should find their proper place in the proceedings of both // Houses, though some of them though that the present arrangement is bad. What I was demanding was that there (2) should be proper arrangements for speeches being made in all the languages not only those/ enumerated or listed in the Eighth Schedule Members should // be able to make speeches also in their mother tongues even if they are not included in the Eighth Schedule. /// there need be tongue (3) which is not included in the Eighth Schedule. I certainly stand for mother tongue being / permitted to be spoken here , but at the same time, I thought that in order // at least to make the present arrangement better, we should provide for translation in the /// languages which are listed in Eighth Schedule.
Our friends of the opposition have taken (4) exception to my suggestion. Sanskrit is not a modem language which people speak. This is / a language in which we do not go to fight elections or ask for vote // or transact our day to day work in our daily life. I think the other // /languages that are mentioned in the Eighth schedule, should be taken up more seriously. Languages (5) of our State should not be left our. This is all that I suggested. Some / Members thought that I was denigrating Hindi. Those who are aware of the proceedings of // the House over the past two decades or so know very well that I have/// always stood for Hindi being given its proper place as a link language in our country. (6 / 360 words)