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Requesting for intimation on concessional rates for bulk booking at the YMCA, Delhi

Requesting for intimation on concessional rates for bulk booking at the YMCA, Delhi


Andheri (W), Mumbai-400058


The Manager

Indian YMCA

Jai Singh Road

New Delhi-110001

27th September, 2007

Sub. : Request for intimation on room tariff (single as well as double) 


A group of fifty students and teachers from our school is scheduled to visit the capital from Oct. 5 to October 10 during the coming Dussehra holidays. I shall feel obliged, if you could let me know your tariff for the accommodation, as mentioned below, at your place.

(a) Double bed rooms 20

(b) Single bed rooms 10

Please send your usual rates and the special, concessional rates for educational institutions.

Thanking you,

Your faithfully,

Sd/- for Principal


Reply from the YMCA.

INDIAN YMCA Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001.

29th September, 2007

The Principal

Holy Faith Senior Sec. School

Andheri (W), Mumbai-400018

Ref. : Your letter of 27th September, 2007, seeking information on from tariff

Dear Madam,

With reference to your above mentioned letter, we have pleasure to quote our rates as under :

(a) 20 Double bed rooms : @ Rs. 250/- per room per day.

(b) 10 Single bed rooms : @ Rs. 150/- per room per day.

Since ours is a service-oriented, non-profit-making organization, our room tariff too is quite competitive and reasonable. However, as a good will gesture, your group would be allowed 20% deduction on room charges and 10% on food bills as a very special case.

Please confirm your programme telegraphically within two days, together with an advance of Rs. 5000/- (five thousand only).

Thanking you,

Cordially yours,

Sd/- Manager

Cancelling the trip


Andheri (W), Mumbai-400058


The Manager

Indian YMCA

Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001

Ref. : Our booking for our proposed visit

Dear Sir,

Oct. 1st, 2007

I am immensely sorry to inform that owing to the sudden, tragic demise of the school President last night, the proposed visit of the group of our students and teachers from Oct. 5 to 10 to Delhi remains indefinitely cancelled.

Please cancel the reservation and send us the balance from the B.D, after deducting your usual cancellation charges.

With lots of regrets for the inconvenience and thanks for your support and co-operation.

Sincerely yours,

Sd/- Principal


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