Paragraph on “Who was the ‘upstart crow’?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
Who was the ‘upstart crow’?
James Burbage built the first theatre in Lon-don in 1576. From about this date, until the Puritans closed every theatre in 1642, drama flourished in England in a way it has never done, before or since. It has been calculated that one Elizabethan Londoner in eight went to the theatre every week and what an audience they must have been! While some disappointed playwrights railed against the `stinkards’ who cracked nuts and ate oranges during the performance, everyone seem, to have loved music and poetry, even though some of them cannot have understood every-thing they heard. In 1592, a libellous pamphlet written by the playwright Robert Greene appeared in which he warned his fellow poets of ‘an upstart crow beautified with our feathers’. This upstart crow was William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the greatest playwright of the English Renaissance and one of the greatest writers of all time!