Paragraph on “What is the Bayeux Tapestry?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
What is the Bayeux Tapestry?
The Bayeux Tapestry is a hand of 70 m 1,230 ft) long and 5o cm 20 in N.A. embroidered in wool of different it made up of some 70 scenes, accompanied Latin inscriptions. Along the top and hot tom are decorative borders, depicting strange birds and scenes from fables.
No one is quite sure about the origins of the Tapestry, but the evidence suggests that it was made in England for Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, towards the end of the eleventh century.
The Tapestry is a fascinating pictorial record of the invasion of England in 1066 by Duke William of Normandy. It begins with the last years of the reign of King Edward the Confessor, who died in 1066, and ends with the flight of the English soldiers at the Battle of Hastings in that year. It shows the Norman version of events, for William of Normandy claimed that he had been recognised by King Edward as heir to the English throne. More-over, he asserted that Harold, Earl of Wessex, the most powerful nobleman in England, had sworn to uphold his right to the throne, and one of the scenes from the Tapestry depicts Harold promising an oath to support William’s claim.
When Edward died in January 1066 he apparently bequeathed his kingdom to Harold and the Tapestry shows Harold being crowned at the newly built Westminster Abbey. However, Harold found himself opposed by royal claimants to the throne, and William of Normandy at once began making preparations for the invasion of England. One scene from the Tapestry depicts him leading his army down to his ships, which already have men and horses on board.
Later in the year Harold marched north-wards to confront Harold Hardrada, king of Norway, who had invaded Northumbria. On 25 September Harold Hardrada was defeated and killed at the battle of Stamford Bridge in Yorkshire. Three days later William landed his invasion force at Pevensey in Sussex. Harold now led his army south in order t0 meet this new threat. On 14. October the English forces were surprised by the Norman invaders near Hastings in Sussex, before they had time to prepare themselves properly. After fierce fighting Harold’s army was defeated and he himself slain. The battle scenes, including the death of Harold, are vividly depicted on the Tapestry.
The Tapestry is not only a record of historical events, but also shows us something about life in medieval England : the sort of clothing people wore, the food they ate, their customs at meal times, and the armour and weapons they used in battle.